Stanislav Rockel
Stanislav Rockel
PhD candidate, ForWind - University of Oldenburg
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Experimental study on influence of pitch motion on the wake of a floating wind turbine model
S Rockel, E Camp, J Schmidt, J Peinke, RB Cal, M Hölling
Energies 7 (4), 1954-1985, 2014
Wake to wake interaction of floating wind turbine models in free pitch motion: An eddy viscosity and mixing length approach
S Rockel, J Peinke, M Hölling, RB Cal
Renewable Energy 85, 666-676, 2016
Dynamic wake development of a floating wind turbine in free pitch motion subjected to turbulent inflow generated with an active grid
S Rockel, J Peinke, M Hölling, RB Cal
Renewable Energy 112, 1-16, 2017
Wind turbine wake intermittency dependence on turbulence intensity and pitch motion
H Kadum, S Rockel, M Hölling, J Peinke, RB Cal
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 11 (5), 2019
Assessing intermittency characteristics via cumulant analysis of floating wind turbines wakes
H Kadum, S Rockel, B Viggiano, T Dib, M Hölling, L Chevillard, RB Cal
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 13 (1), 2021
Experimental study on influence of pitch motion on the wake of a floating wind turbine model, Energies, 7, 1954–1985
S Rockel, E Camp, J Schmidt, J Peinke, RB Cal, M Hölling
Assessing intermittency characteristics via cumulant analysis in near-wake of offshore wind turbines.
H Kadum, S Rockel, B Viggiano, T Dib, M Holling, J Peinke, R Cal
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 63, 2018
Velocity-intermittency structure for wake flow of the pitched single wind turbine under different inflow conditions
R Crist, RB Cal, N Ali, S Rockel, J Peinke, M Hoelling
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, M18. 010, 2017
Description of signature scales in a floating wind turbine model wake subjected to varying turbulence intensity
H Kadum, S Rockel, M Holling, J Peinke, RB Cal
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, M17. 008, 2017
Influence of pitch motion on the turbulent mixing in the wake of floating wind turbine models
S Rockel, J Peinke, M Hoelling, RB Cal
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, L35. 003, 2014
Experimental Investigation of the Dynamical Behavior of a Floating Wind Turbine Model
S Rockel, M Hölling, J Peinke
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