Elaine Okanyene Nsoesie
Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 354 diseases and injuries for 195 countries and territories, 1990–2017: a systematic …
SL James, D Abate, KH Abate, SM Abay, C Abbafati, N Abbasi, ...
The Lancet 392 (10159), 1789-1858, 2018
Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 84 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks for 195 countries and …
JD Stanaway, A Afshin, E Gakidou, SS Lim, D Abate, KH Abate, ...
The Lancet 392 (10159), 1923-1994, 2018
Global, regional, and national life expectancy, all-cause mortality, and cause-specific mortality for 249 causes of death, 1980–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global …
H Wang, M Naghavi, C Allen, RM Barber, ZA Bhutta, A Carter, DC Casey, ...
The lancet 388 (10053), 1459-1544, 2016
Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 310 diseases and injuries, 1990–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of …
T Vos, C Allen, M Arora, RM Barber, ZA Bhutta, A Brown, A Carter, ...
The lancet 388 (10053), 1545-1602, 2016
Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) for 359 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 195 countries and territories, 1990 …
HH Kyu, D Abate, KH Abate, SM Abay, C Abbafati, N Abbasi, ...
The Lancet 392 (10159), 1859-1922, 2018
Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for 306 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 188 countries, 1990–2013: quantifying …
CJL Murray, RM Barber, KJ Foreman, AA Ozgoren, F Abd-Allah, SF Abera, ...
The Lancet 386 (10009), 2145-2191, 2015
The state of US health, 1990-2016: burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors among US states
AH Mokdad, K Ballestros, M Echko, S Glenn, HE Olsen, E Mullany, A Lee, ...
Jama 319 (14), 1444-1472, 2018
Global, regional, and national age-sex-specific mortality and life expectancy, 1950–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017
D Dicker, G Nguyen, D Abate, KH Abate, SM Abay, C Abbafati, N Abbasi, ...
The lancet 392 (10159), 1684-1735, 2018
Global skin disease morbidity and mortality: an update from the global burden of disease study 2013
C Karimkhani, RP Dellavalle, LE Coffeng, C Flohr, RJ Hay, SM Langan, ...
JAMA dermatology 153 (5), 406-412, 2017
Five insights from the global burden of disease study 2019
CJL Murray, C Abbafati, KM Abbas, M Abbasi, M Abbasi-Kangevari, ...
The Lancet 396 (10258), 1135-1159, 2020
Combining search, social media, and traditional data sources to improve influenza surveillance
M Santillana, AT Nguyen, M Dredze, MJ Paul, EO Nsoesie, JS Brownstein
PLoS computational biology 11 (10), e1004513, 2015
Child and adolescent health from 1990 to 2015: findings from the global burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors 2015 study
N Kassebaum, HH Kyu, L Zoeckler, HE Olsen, K Thomas, C Pinho, ...
JAMA pediatrics 171 (6), 573-592, 2017
Neighbourhood income and physical distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States
J Jay, J Bor, EO Nsoesie, SK Lipson, DK Jones, S Galea, J Raifman
Nature human behaviour 4 (12), 1294-1302, 2020
Monitoring influenza epidemics in china with search query from baidu
Q Yuan, EO Nsoesie, B Lv, G Peng, R Chunara, JS Brownstein
PloS one 8 (5), e64323, 2013
A systematic review of studies on forecasting the dynamics of influenza outbreaks
EO Nsoesie, JS Brownstein, N Ramakrishnan, MV Marathe
Influenza and other respiratory viruses 8 (3), 309-316, 2014
Spread of yellow fever virus outbreak in Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo 2015–16: a modelling study
MUG Kraemer, NR Faria, RC Reiner, N Golding, B Nikolay, S Stasse, ...
The Lancet infectious diseases 17 (3), 330-338, 2017
Global distribution and environmental suitability for chikungunya virus, 1952 to 2015
EO Nsoesie, MU Kraemer, N Golding, DM Pigott, OJ Brady, CL Moyes, ...
Eurosurveillance 21 (20), pii=30234, 2016
Measuring patient-perceived quality of care in US hospitals using Twitter
JB Hawkins, JS Brownstein, G Tuli, T Runels, K Broecker, EO Nsoesie, ...
BMJ quality & safety 25 (6), 404-413, 2016
Enhancing disease surveillance with novel data streams: challenges and opportunities
BM Althouse, SV Scarpino, LA Meyers, JW Ayers, M Bargsten, ...
EPJ data science 4 (1), 1-8, 2015
Fatal police violence by race and state in the USA, 1980–2019: a network meta-regression
GBD 2019 Police Violence US Subnational Collaborators
The Lancet 398 (10307), 1239-1255, 2021
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