Siddhartha  Sankar Ghosh,  Ghosh SS, SS Ghosh
Siddhartha Sankar Ghosh, Ghosh SS, SS Ghosh
Professor, Depart of Biosciences and Bioengineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
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Green Fluorescent Protein-Expressing Escherichia coli as a Model System for Investigating the Antimicrobial Activities of Silver Nanoparticles
SK Gogoi, P Gopinath, A Paul, A Ramesh, SS Ghosh, A Chattopadhyay
Langmuir 22 (22), 9322-9328, 2006
The antibacterial properties of a novel chitosan–Ag-nanoparticle composite
P Sanpui, A Murugadoss, PVD Prasad, SS Ghosh, A Chattopadhyay
International journal of food microbiology 124 (2), 142-146, 2008
Genetic lesions of bilirubin uridine‐diphosphoglucuronate glucuronosyltransferase (UGT1A1) causing Crigler‐Najjar and Gilbert syndromes: correlation of genotype to phenotype
A Kadakol, SS Ghosh, BS Sappal, G Sharma, JR Chowdhury, ...
Human mutation 16 (4), 297-306, 2000
Induction of apoptosis in cancer cells at low silver nanoparticle concentrations using chitosan nanocarrier
P Sanpui, A Chattopadhyay, SS Ghosh
ACS applied materials & interfaces 3 (2), 218-228, 2011
One step synthesis of C-dots by microwave mediated caramelization of poly (ethylene glycol)
A Jaiswal, SS Ghosh, A Chattopadhyay
Chemical communications 48 (3), 407-409, 2012
Robust resistive memory devices using solution-processable metal-coordinated azo aromatics
S Goswami, AJ Matula, SP Rath, S Hedström, S Saha, M Annamalai, ...
Nature materials 16 (12), 1216-1224, 2017
Presence of amorphous carbon nanoparticles in food caramels
MP Sk, A Jaiswal, A Paul, SS Ghosh, A Chattopadhyay
Scientific reports 2 (1), 383, 2012
Signaling gene cascade in silver nanoparticle induced apoptosis
P Gopinath, SK Gogoi, P Sanpui, A Paul, A Chattopadhyay, SS Ghosh
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 77 (2), 240-245, 2010
Implications of silver nanoparticle induced cell apoptosis for in vitro gene therapy
P Gopinath, SK Gogoi, A Chattopadhyay, SS Ghosh
Nanotechnology 19 (7), 075104, 2008
Tin oxide for optoelectronic, photovoltaic and energy storage devices: a review
GK Dalapati, H Sharma, A Guchhait, N Chakrabarty, P Bamola, Q Liu, ...
Journal of materials chemistry A 9 (31), 16621-16684, 2021
Heightened reactive oxygen species generation in the antimicrobial activity of a three component iodinated chitosan− silver nanoparticle composite
M Banerjee, S Mallick, A Paul, A Chattopadhyay, SS Ghosh
Langmuir 26 (8), 5901-5908, 2010
Fabrication of antibacterial silver nanoparticle—sodium alginate–chitosan composite films
S Sharma, P Sanpui, A Chattopadhyay, SS Ghosh
Rsc Advances 2 (13), 5837-5843, 2012
Curcumin improves intestinal barrier function: modulation of intracellular signaling, and organization of tight junctions
J Wang, SS Ghosh, S Ghosh
American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology 312 (4), C438-C445, 2017
Enhanced antibacterial activity of bimetallic gold-silver core–shell nanoparticles at low silver concentration
M Banerjee, S Sharma, A Chattopadhyay, SS Ghosh
Nanoscale 3 (12), 5120-5125, 2011
Blue-emitting copper nanoclusters synthesized in the presence of lysozyme as candidates for cell labeling
R Ghosh, AK Sahoo, SS Ghosh, A Paul, A Chattopadhyay
ACS applied materials & interfaces 6 (6), 3822-3828, 2014
Luminescent copper nanoclusters as a specific cell-imaging probe and a selective metal ion sensor
NK Das, S Ghosh, A Priya, S Datta, S Mukherjee
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (43), 24657-24664, 2015
Adenoviral vectors: a promising tool for gene therapy
SS Ghosh, P Gopinath, A Ramesh
Applied biochemistry and biotechnology 133, 9-29, 2006
Iodine-stabilized Cu nanoparticle chitosan composite for antibacterial applications
S Mallick, S Sharma, M Banerjee, SS Ghosh, A Chattopadhyay, A Paul
ACS applied materials & interfaces 4 (3), 1313-1323, 2012
Oral supplementation with non-absorbable antibiotics or curcumin attenuates western diet-induced atherosclerosis and glucose intolerance in LDLR−/− mice–role of intestinal …
SS Ghosh, J Bie, J Wang, S Ghosh
PloS one 9 (9), e108577, 2014
Curcumin ameliorates renal failure in 5/6 nephrectomized rats: role of inflammation
SS Ghosh, HD Massey, R Krieg, ZA Fazelbhoy, S Ghosh, DA Sica, ...
American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology, 2009
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Articles 1–20