Sara Green
Sara Green
Associate Professor, Section for History and Philosophy of Science, University of Copenhagen
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Cited by
Network analyses in systems biology: new strategies for dealing with biological complexity
S Green, M Şerban, R Scholl, N Jones, I Brigandt, W Bechtel
Synthese 195, 1751-1777, 2018
The search for organizing principles as a cure against reductionism in systems medicine
O Wolkenhauer, S Green
The FEBS journal 280 (23), 5938-5948, 2013
Biology meets physics: Reductionism and multi-scale modeling of morphogenesis
S Green, R Batterman
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and …, 2017
Is defining life pointless? Operational definitions at the frontiers of biology
L Bich, S Green
Synthese 195 (9), 3919-3946, 2018
How precision medicine and screening with big data could increase overdiagnosis
H Vogt, S Green, CT Ekstrøm, J Brodersen
Bmj 366, 2019
How to choose your research organism
MR Dietrich, RA Ankeny, N Crowe, S Green, S Leonelli
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and …, 2020
Revisiting generality in biology: systems biology and the quest for design principles
S Green
Biology & Philosophy 30, 629-652, 2015
Personalizing medicine in silico and in socio
S Green, H Vogt
Humana. Mente Journal of Philosophical Studies, 2016
When one model is not enough: Combining epistemic tools in systems biology
S Green
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and …, 2013
Systems biology and mechanistic explanation
I Brigandt, S Green, M O'Malley
Routledge Handbook of Mechanisms and Mechanical Philosophy, 362-373, 2017
Explanatory integration challenges in evolutionary systems biology
S Green, M Fagan, J Jaeger
Biological theory 10 (1), 18-35, 2015
Design sans adaptation
S Green, A Levy, W Bechtel
european Journal for Philosophy of Science 5, 15-29, 2015
Tracing organizing principles: Learning from the history of systems biology
S Green, O Wolkenhauer
History and philosophy of the life sciences, 553-576, 2013
‘Extreme’organisms and the problem of generalization: interpreting the Krogh principle
S Green, MR Dietrich, S Leonelli, RA Ankeny
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 40, 1-22, 2018
Plastic diagnostics: The remaking of disease and evidence in personalized medicine
S Green, A Carusi, K Hoeyer
Social Science & Medicine 304, 112318, 2022
Philosophy of systems biology
S Green
Springer, 2017
Philosophy of systems and synthetic biology
S Green
Constraint‐based reasoning for search and explanation: Strategies for understanding variation and patterns in biology
S Green, N Jones
dialectica 70 (3), 343-374, 2016
Aging biomarkers and the measurement of health and risk
S Green, L Hillersdal
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43, 1-23, 2021
Can biological complexity be reverse engineered?
S Green
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and …, 2015
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Articles 1–20