Yuxia Shen
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Cited by
Excitonic Linewidth Approaching the Homogeneous Limit in -Based van der Waals Heterostructures
F Cadiz, E Courtade, C Robert, G Wang, Y Shen, H Cai, T Taniguchi, ...
Physical Review X 7 (2), 021026, 2017
Thermally conductive phase change composites featuring anisotropic graphene aerogels for real‐time and fast‐charging solar‐thermal energy conversion
P Min, J Liu, X Li, F An, P Liu, Y Shen, N Koratkar, ZZ Yu
Advanced Functional Materials 28 (51), 1805365, 2018
Imaging of pure spin-valley diffusion current in WS2-WSe2 heterostructures
C Jin, J Kim, MIB Utama, EC Regan, H Kleemann, H Cai, Y Shen, ...
Science 360 (6391), 893-896, 2018
Chemical and thermal reduction of graphene oxide and its electrically conductive polylactic acid nanocomposites
Y Shen, T Jing, W Ren, J Zhang, ZG Jiang, ZZ Yu, A Dasari
Composites Science and Technology 72 (12), 1430-1435, 2012
Identification of spin, valley, and moiré quasi-angular momentum of interlayer excitons
FW Chenhao Jin, Emma C. Regan, Danqing Wang, M. Iqbal Bakti Utama, Chan-Shan ...
Nature Physics 15, 1140-1144, 2019
Raman spectrum of Janus transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers WSSe and MoSSe
MM Petrić, M Kremser, M Barbone, Y Qin, Y Sayyad, Y Shen, S Tongay, ...
Physical Review B 103 (3), 035414, 2021
Angle resolved vibrational properties of anisotropic transition metal trichalcogenide nanosheets
W Kong, C Bacaksiz, B Chen, K Wu, M Blei, X Fan, Y Shen, H Sahin, ...
Nanoscale 9 (12), 4175-4182, 2017
Biexcitonic optical Stark effects in monolayer molybdenum diselenide
CK Yong, J Horng, Y Shen, H Cai, A Wang, CS Yang, CK Lin, S Zhao, ...
Nature Physics 14 (11), 1092-1096, 2018
Reaching the excitonic limit in 2D Janus monolayers by in situ deterministic growth
Y Qin, M Sayyad, ARP Montblanch, MSG Feuer, D Dey, M Blei, R Sailus, ...
Advanced Materials 34 (6), 2106222, 2022
Investigation of Missing-Cluster Defects in UiO-66 and Ferrocene Deposition into Defect-Induced Cavities
BM Bohan Shan, Sean M. McIntyre, Mitchell R. Armstrong, Yuxia Shen
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 57, 14233-14241, 2018
2D coordination polymers: Design guidelines and materials perspective
MDGST Michael Tran, Katelyn Kline, Ying Qin, Yuxia Shen
Applied Physics Reviews 6, 041311, 2019
Valley-dependent exciton fine structure and Autler–Townes doublets from Berry phases in monolayer MoSe2
CK Yong, MIB Utama, CS Ong, T Cao, EC Regan, J Horng, Y Shen, H Cai, ...
Nature materials 18 (10), 1065-1070, 2019
The interplay between excitons and trions in a monolayer of MoSe2
N Lundt, E Cherotchenko, O Iff, X Fan, Y Shen, P Bigenwald, AV Kavokin, ...
Applied Physics Letters 112 (3), 2018
Environmental stability of 2D anisotropic tellurium containing nanomaterials: anisotropic to isotropic transition
S Yang, H Cai, B Chen, C Ko, VO Özçelik, DF Ogletree, CE White, Y Shen, ...
Nanoscale 9 (34), 12288-12294, 2017
Epitaxial synthesis of highly oriented 2D Janus Rashba semiconductor BiTeCl and BiTeBr layers
D Hajra, R Sailus, M Blei, K Yumigeta, Y Shen, S Tongay
ACS nano 14 (11), 15626-15632, 2020
Structural evolution of functionalized graphene sheets during solvothermal reduction
Y Shen, HB Zhang, H Zhang, W Ren, A Dasari, GS Tang, ZZ Yu
Carbon 56, 132-138, 2013
Ultimate Control over Hydrogen Bond Formation and Reaction Rates for Scalable Synthesis of Highly Crystalline vdW MOF Nanosheets with Large Aspect Ratio
YS Yuxia Shen, Bohan Shan, Hui Cai, Ying Qin, Ashutosh Agarwal, Dipesh B ...
Advanced Materials, 1802497, 2018
Highly crystalline synthesis of tellurene sheets on two-dimensional surfaces: Control over helical chain direction of tellurene
S Yang, B Chen, Y Qin, Y Zhou, L Liu, M Durso, H Zhuang, Y Shen, ...
Physical Review Materials 2 (10), 104002, 2018
Effect of excessive Pb content in the precursor solutions on the properties of the lead acetate derived CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite solar cells
Y Chen, A Yerramilli, Y Shen, Z Zhao, T Alford
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 174, 478-484, 2018
Visualizing electron localization of WS2/WSe2 moiré superlattices in momentum space
CH Stansbury, MIB Utama, CG Fatuzzo, EC Regan, D Wang, Z Xiang, ...
Science advances 7 (37), eabf4387, 2021
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Articles 1–20