Tinghui Zhou
Tinghui Zhou
Roblox, Foundation AI
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Image-to-image translation with conditional adversarial networks
P Isola, JY Zhu, T Zhou, AA Efros
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2017
Unsupervised learning of depth and ego-motion from video
T Zhou, M Brown, N Snavely, DG Lowe
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2017
Rethinking the value of network pruning
Z Liu, M Sun, T Zhou, G Huang, T Darrell
arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.05270, 2018
Stereo magnification: Learning view synthesis using multiplane images
T Zhou, R Tucker, J Flynn, G Fyffe, N Snavely
arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.09817, 2018
Everybody dance now
C Chan, S Ginosar, T Zhou, AA Efros
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision …, 2019
View synthesis by appearance flow
T Zhou, S Tulsiani, W Sun, J Malik, AA Efros
Computer Vision–ECCV 2016: 14th European Conference, Amsterdam, The …, 2016
Multi-view supervision for single-view reconstruction via differentiable ray consistency
S Tulsiani, T Zhou, AA Efros, J Malik
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2017
Undoing the Damage of Dataset Bias
A Khosla, T Zhou, T Malisiewicz, A Efros, A Torralba
European Conference in Computer Vision, 2012
Learning dense correspondence via 3d-guided cycle consistency
T Zhou, P Krahenbuhl, M Aubry, Q Huang, AA Efros
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2016
Kernelized Probabilistic Matrix Factorization: Exploiting Graphs and Side Information
T Zhou, H Shan, A Banerjee, G Sapiro
SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM), 2012
Learning data-driven reflectance priors for intrinsic image decomposition
T Zhou, P Krahenbuhl, AA Efros
Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision, 3469-3477, 2015
Flowweb: Joint image set alignment by weaving consistent, pixel-wise correspondences
T Zhou, Y Jae Lee, SX Yu, AA Efros
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2015
Image-to-image translation with conditional adversarial networks (2016)
P Isola, JY Zhu, T Zhou, AA Efros
arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.07004 16, 2017
Multi-view relighting using a geometry-aware network.
J Philip, M Gharbi, T Zhou, AA Efros, G Drettakis
ACM Trans. Graph. 38 (4), 78:1-78:14, 2019
Image-to-image translation with conditional adversarial networks. arXiv e-prints
P Isola, JY Zhu, T Zhou, AA Efros
arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.07004 1611, 2016
Learning to factorize and relight a city
A Liu, S Ginosar, T Zhou, AA Efros, N Snavely
Computer Vision–ECCV 2020: 16th European Conference, Glasgow, UK, August 23 …, 2020
Exploring Simple and Transferable Recognition-Aware Image Processing
Z Liu, HJ Wang, T Zhou, Z Shen, B Kang, E Shelhamer, T Darrell
arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.09185, 2019
Flashtex: Fast relightable mesh texturing with lightcontrolnet
K Deng, T Omernick, A Weiss, D Ramanan, JY Zhu, T Zhou, M Agrawala
European Conference on Computer Vision, 90-107, 2024
Image-to-Image Translation with Con-ditional Adversarial Networks
P Isola, JY Zhu, T Zhou, A Efros
Proc. IEEE Conf. Comput. Vis. Pattern Rcogni.(CVPR), 5967-5976, 0
Extraction of human poses from video data for animation of computer models
AB Weiss, TP Omernick, T Zhou
US Patent App. 18/217,142, 2025
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