Andrew M. Fischer
Andrew M. Fischer
Professor, Institute of Social Studies (ISS), Erasmus University Rotterdam
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Cited by
State Growth and Social Exclusion in Tibet: Challenges of recent economic growth
AM Fischer
Copenhagen: Nordic Institute of Asian Studies Press, 2005
The End of Peripheries? On the Enduring Relevance of Structuralism for Understanding Contemporary Global Development
AM Fischer
Development and Change 46 (4), 700–732, 2015
The Disempowered Development of Tibet in China: A Study in the Economics of Marginalization
AM Fischer
Lexington (Rowman and Littlefield), 2014
“Population Invasion” versus Urban Exclusion in the Tibetan Areas of Western China
AM Fischer
Population and Development Review 34 (4), 631-662, 2008
Poverty as Ideology: rescuing social justice from global development agendas
AM Fischer
London: Zed Books, 2018
Towards genuine universalism within contemporary development policy
AM Fischer
IDS bulletin 41 (1), 36-44, 2010
The Dark Sides of Social Policy: From Neoliberalism to Resurgent Right-wing Populism
AM Fischer
Development and Change 51 (2), 371-97, 2020
Reconceiving social exclusion
A Fischer
Available at SSRN 1805685, 2011
Putting Aid in its Place: insights from early structuralists on aid and balance of payments and lessons for contemporary aid debates
AM Fischer
Journal of International Development 21 (6), 856-867, 2009
Planning for a world beyond COVID-19: Five pillars for post-neoliberal development
B Büscher, G Feola, A Fischer, R Fletcher, JF Gerber, W Harcourt, ...
World Development 140 (April),, 2021
Bringing Development Back into Development Studies
AM Fischer
Development and Change 50 (2), 426-444, 2019
Resolving the theoretical ambiguities of social exclusion with reference to polarisation and conflict
AM Fischer
Development Studies Institute Working Paper Series, 1-31, 2008
Urban Fault Lines in Shangri-La: Population and economic foundations of interethnic conflict in the Tibetan areas of Western China
AM Fischer
Crisis States Research Centre, London School of Economics and Political Science, 2004
Subsistence and Rural Livelihood Strategies in Tibet-under Rapid Economic and Social Transition
AM Fischer
International Association of Tibetan Studies. Journal 4, 1-49, 2008
Debt and development in historical perspective: The external constraints of late industrialisation revisited through South Korea and Brazil
AM Fischer
The World Economy 41 (12), 3359-3378, 2018
Is China turning Latin? China's balancing act between power and dependence in the lead up to global crisis
AM Fischer
Journal of International Development 22 (6), 739-757, 2010
The Political Economy of Boomerang Aid in China’s Tibet
AM Fischer
China perpectives, 2009
Educating for Exclusion in Western China: structural and institutional foundations of conflict in the Tibetan areas of Qinghai
AM Fischer
CRISE Working Paper 69, 2009
Close encounters of an inner Asian kind: Tibetan-Muslim co-existence and conflict in Tibet past and present
AM Fischer
Crisis States Research Centre, London School of Economics and Political Science, 2005
Subsidizing Tibet: an interprovincial comparison of Western China up to the end of the Hu–Wen Administration
AM Fischer
The China Quarterly 221, 73-99, 2015
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Articles 1–20