Carolina Ferreira de Matos Jauris
Carolina Ferreira de Matos Jauris
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Adsorption of sodium diclofenac on graphene: a combined experimental and theoretical study
IM Jauris, CF Matos, C Saucier, EC Lima, AJG Zarbin, SB Fagan, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (3), 1526-1536, 2016
Multifunctional and environmentally friendly nanocomposites between natural rubber and graphene or graphene oxide
CF Matos, F Galembeck, AJG Zarbin
Carbon 78, 469-479, 2014
Efeito da variação de parâmetros reacionais na preparação de grafeno via oxidação e redução do grafite
H Mehl, CF Matos, EGC Neiva, SH Domingues, AJG Zarbin
Química Nova 37, 1639-1645, 2014
Water in nanotubes: The surface effect
MH Köhler, JR Bordin, CF de Matos, MC Barbosa
Chemical Engineering Science 203, 54-67, 2019
The effect of different chemical treatments on the structure and stability of aqueous dispersion of iron-and iron oxide-filled multi-walled carbon nanotubes
RA Moraes, CF Matos, EG Castro, WH Schreiner, MM Oliveira, ...
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 22, 2191-2201, 2011
Multifunctional materials based on iron/iron oxide-filled carbon nanotubes/natural rubber composites
CF Matos, F Galembeck, AJG Zarbin
Carbon 50 (12), 4685-4695, 2012
Water based, solution-processable, transparent and flexible graphene oxide composite as electrodes in organic solar cell application
LF Lima, CF Matos, LC Gonçalves, RV Salvatierra, CE Cava, AJG Zarbin, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 49 (10), 105106, 2016
Adsorption of anti-inflammatory nimesulide by graphene materials: a combined theoretical and experimental study
IZFMM I. M. Jauris, C. F. Matos, A. J. G. Zarbin, C. S. Umpierres, C ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017
Development and validation of voltammetric method for determination of amoxicillin in river water
MGP Valenga, ML Felsner, CF de Matos, EG de Castro, A Galli
Analytica Chimica Acta 1138, 79-88, 2020
Graphene chemically synthesized from benzene at liquid–liquid interfaces
RV Salvatierra, VHR Souza, CF Matos, MM Oliveira, AJG Zarbin
Carbon 93, 924-932, 2015
The effect of variation of reactional parameters in the preparation of graphene by oxidation and reduction of graphite
H Mehl, CF Matos, EGC Neiva, SH Domingues, AJG Zarbin
Química Nova 37, 1639-1645, 2014
Imprinted Naked Pt Nanoparticles on N‐Doped Carbon Supports: A Synergistic Effect between Catalyst and Support
GR Bolzan, G Abarca, WDG Gonçalves, CF Matos, MJL Santos, J Dupont
Chemistry–A European Journal 24 (6), 1365-1372, 2018
Highly conducting, sustainable, nanographitic rubber composites
K Kampioti, CF Matos, F Galembeck, C Jaillet, A Derré, AJG Zarbin, ...
ACS omega 3 (2), 1367-1373, 2018
Nanocompósitos multifuncionais de látex de borracha natural e nanoestruturas de carbono
CF Matos, F Galembeck, AJG Zarbin
Revista Virtual de Química 9 (1), 73-96, 2017
Molecular orientation and femtosecond charge transfer dynamics in transparent and conductive electrodes based on graphene oxide and PEDOT: PSS composites
BGAL Borges, S Holakoei, MFF das Neves, LCW de Menezes, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 (2), 736-743, 2019
Annealing effect on donor-acceptor interface and its impact on the performance of organic photovoltaic devices based on PSiF-DBT copolymer and C60
CFN Marchiori, NAD Yamamoto, CF Matos, J Kujala, AG Macedo, ...
Applied Physics Letters 106 (13), 2015
Specific surface area versus adsorptive capacity: an application view of 3D graphene-based materials for the removal of emerging water pollutants
MB Leão, JR Bordin, CF De Matos
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 234 (2), 136, 2023
Nanostructures and compatibility in rubber nanocomposites containing carbon nanofillers
CF de Matos, AJG Zarbin, F Galembeck
Carbon-Based Nanofillers and Their Rubber Nanocomposites, 1-26, 2019
Evaluation of the carbon nanostructures toxicity as a function of their dimensionality using model organisms: A review
PCC da Rosa, MB Leão, CL Dalla Corte, CF de Matos
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 232 (9), 367, 2021
Synergistic interplay of ionic liquid and dodecyl sulphate driving the oxidation state of polypyrrole based electrodes
LF Loguercio, CF de Matos, MC de Oliveira, G Marin, S Khan, ...
New Journal of Chemistry 42 (16), 13828-13835, 2018
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Articles 1–20