Unmesh D. Bordoloi
Unmesh D. Bordoloi
General Motors
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Performance analysis of FlexRay-based ECU networks
A Hagiescu, UD Bordoloi, S Chakraborty, P Sampath, PVV Ganesan, ...
Proceedings of the 44th annual Design Automation Conference, 284-289, 2007
Schedulability analysis of Ethernet AVB switches
UD Bordoloi, A Aminifar, P Eles, Z Peng
2014 IEEE 20th International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing …, 2014
General purpose computing on low-power embedded GPUs: Has it come of age?
A Maghazeh, UD Bordoloi, P Eles, Z Peng
2013 International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures …, 2013
Scheduling for fault-tolerant communication on the static segment of FlexRay
B Tanasa, UD Bordoloi, P Eles, Z Peng
2010 31st IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, 385-394, 2010
The frame packing problem for CAN-FD
UD Bordoloi, S Samii
2014 IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, 284-293, 2014
Ethernet network-profiling intrusion detection control logic and architectures for in-vehicle controllers
E Paraskevas, Y Zhou, UD Bordoloi, M Osella, ME Potts
US Patent App. 16/642,262, 2021
Reliability-aware frame packing for the static segment of FlexRay
B Tanasa, U Dutta Bordoloi, P Eles, Z Peng
Proceedings of the Ninth ACM international conference on Embedded software …, 2011
Designing heterogeneous ECU networks via compact architecture encoding and hybrid timing analysis
M Glaß, M Lukasiewycz, J Teich, UD Bordoloi, S Chakraborty
Proceedings of the 46th Annual Design Automation Conference, 43-46, 2009
Probabilistic response time and joint analysis of periodic tasks
B Tanasa, UD Bordoloi, P Eles, Z Peng
2015 27th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, 235-246, 2015
Schedulability analysis for the dynamic segment of FlexRay: A generalization to slot multiplexing
B Tanasa, UD Bordoloi, S Kosuch, P Eles, Z Peng
2012 IEEE 18th Real Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium …, 2012
Cache-aware timing analysis of streaming applications
S Chakraborty, T Mitra, A Roychoudhury, L Thiele
Real-Time Systems 41, 52-85, 2009
Approaches for assigning offsets to signals for improving frame packing in CAN-FD
P Joshi, SS Ravi, Q Liu, UD Bordoloi, S Samii, SK Shukla, H Zeng
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and …, 2019
The multi-domain frame packing problem for CAN-FD
P Joshi, H Zeng, UD Bordoloi, S Samii, SS Ravi, SK Shukla
29th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2017), 2017
Optimized schedule synthesis under real-time constraints for the dynamic segment of FlexRay
R Schneider, U Bordoloi, D Goswami, S Chakraborty
2010 IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing …, 2010
GPU-based acceleration of system-level design tasks
UD Bordoloi, S Chakraborty
International Journal of Parallel Programming 38, 225-253, 2010
On the quantification of sustainability and extensibility of FlexRay schedules
R Schneider, D Goswami, S Chakraborty, U Bordoloi, P Eles, Z Peng
Proceedings of the 48th Design Automation Conference, 375-380, 2011
Evaluating design trade-offs in customizable processors
UD Bordoloi, HP Huynh, S Chakraborty, T Mitra
Proceedings of the 46th Annual Design Automation Conference, 244-249, 2009
Saving energy without defying deadlines on mobile GPU-based heterogeneous systems
A Maghazeh, UD Bordoloi, A Horga, P Eles, Z Peng
Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Hardware/Software …, 2014
A scalable GPU-based approach to accelerate the multiple-choice knapsack problem
B Suri, UD Bordoloi, P Eles
2012 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE …, 2012
Pattern matching in OpenCL: GPU vs CPU energy consumption on two mobile chipsets
E Aragon, JM Jiménez, A Maghazeh, J Rasmusson, UD Bordoloi
Proceedings of the International Workshop on OpenCL 2013 & 2014, 1-7, 2014
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Articles 1–20