Hiroaki Ohfuji
Hiroaki Ohfuji
Professor of Department of Earth Science, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University
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Mineralogical and geomicrobiological investigations on groundwater arsenic enrichment in Bangladesh
J Akai, K Izumi, H Fukuhara, H Masuda, S Nakano, T Yoshimura, H Ohfuji, ...
Applied geochemistry 19 (2), 215-230, 2004
Experimental syntheses of framboids—a review
H Ohfuji, D Rickard
Earth-Science Reviews 71 (3-4), 147-170, 2005
Sound velocities of majorite garnet and the composition of the mantle transition region
T Irifune, Y Higo, T Inoue, Y Kono, H Ohfuji, K Funakoshi
Nature 451 (7180), 814-817, 2008
Ultralow viscosity of carbonate melts at high pressures
Y Kono, C Kenney-Benson, D Hummer, H Ohfuji, C Park, G Shen, Y Wang, ...
Nature Communications 5 (1), 5091, 2014
High resolution transmission electron microscopic study of synthetic nanocrystalline mackinawite
H Ohfuji, D Rickard
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 241 (1-2), 227-233, 2006
A study of the mechanical properties of an Al–Si–Cu alloy (ADC12) produced by various casting processes
M Okayasu, Y Ohkura, S Takeuchi, S Takasu, H Ohfuji, T Shiraishi
Materials Science and Engineering: A 543, 185-192, 2012
Temporal alteration of fracture permeability in granite under hydrothermal conditions and its interpretation by coupled chemo-mechanical model
H Yasuhara, N Kinoshita, H Ohfuji, DS Lee, S Nakashima, K Kishida
Applied geochemistry 26 (12), 2074-2088, 2011
Nanodiamond nucleation below 2273 K at 15 GPa from carbons with different structural organizations
C Le Guillou, F Brunet, T Irifune, H Ohfuji, JN Rouzaud
Carbon 45 (3), 636-648, 2007
A nearly water-saturated mantle transition zone inferred from mineral viscosity
H Fei, D Yamazaki, M Sakurai, N Miyajima, H Ohfuji, T Katsura, ...
Science advances 3 (6), e1603024, 2017
Origin of seismic anisotropy in the D ″layer inferred from shear deformation experiments on post-perovskite phase
D Yamazaki, T Yoshino, H Ohfuji, J Ando, A Yoneda
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 252 (3-4), 372-378, 2006
Experimental study on the stability of graphitic C3N4 under high pressure and high temperature
L Fang, H Ohfuji, T Shinmei, T Irifune
Diamond and Related Materials 20 (5-6), 819-825, 2011
Structure of framboidal pyrite: An electron backscatter diffraction study
H Ohfuji, AP Boyle, DJ Prior, D Rickard
American Mineralogist 90 (11-12), 1693-1704, 2005
Transparent nanocrystalline bulk alumina obtained at 7.7 GPa and 800 C
N Nishiyama, T Taniguchi, H Ohfuji, K Yoshida, F Wakai, BN Kim, ...
Scripta Materialia 69 (5), 362-365, 2013
Influence of microstructural characteristics on mechanical properties of ADC12 aluminum alloy
M Okayasu, K Ota, S Takeuchi, H Ohfuji, T Shiraishi
Materials Science and Engineering: A 592, 189-200, 2014
Micromachining and surface processing of the super-hard nano-polycrystalline diamond by three types of pulsed lasers
T Okuchi, H Ohfuji, S Odake, H Kagi, S Nagatomo, M Sugata, H Sumiya
Applied Physics A 96, 833-842, 2009
Transparent polycrystalline cubic silicon nitride
N Nishiyama, R Ishikawa, H Ohfuji, H Marquardt, A Kurnosov, T Taniguchi, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 44755, 2017
Natural occurrence of pure nano-polycrystalline diamond from impact crater
H Ohfuji, T Irifune, KD Litasov, T Yamashita, F Isobe, VP Afanasiev, ...
Scientific Reports 5 (1), 14702, 2015
Micro-/nanostructural investigation of laser-cut surfaces of single-and polycrystalline diamonds
H Ohfuji, T Okuchi, S Odake, H Kagi, H Sumiya, T Irifune
Diamond and Related Materials 19 (7-9), 1040-1051, 2010
Pressure-induced nano-crystallization of silicate garnets from glass
T Irifune, K Kawakami, T Arimoto, H Ohfuji, T Kunimoto, T Shinmei
Nature Communications 7 (1), 13753, 2016
Melting temperatures of MgO under high pressure by micro-texture analysis
T Kimura, H Ohfuji, M Nishi, T Irifune
Nature Communications 8 (1), 15735, 2017
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Articles 1–20