Vijay K Vasudevan
Vijay K Vasudevan
Other namesK. Vasudevan, Vijay Vasudevan
University of North Texas; previously University of Cincinnati
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Cited by
Precipitation reactions and strengthening behavior in 18 Wt Pct nickel maraging steels
VK Vasudevan, SJ Kim, CM Wayman
Metallurgical Transactions A 21, 2655-2668, 1990
Gradient nanostructure and residual stresses induced by Ultrasonic Nano-crystal Surface Modification in 304 austenitic stainless steel for high strength and high ductility
C Ye, A Telang, AS Gill, S Suslov, Y Idell, K Zweiacker, JMK Wiezorek, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 613, 274-288, 2014
Microstructure of long-term aged IN617 Ni-base superalloy
Q Wu, H Song, RW Swindeman, JP Shingledecker, VK Vasudevan
Metallurgical and materials transactions A 39 (11), 2569-2585, 2008
Comparison of mechanisms of advanced mechanical surface treatments in nickel-based superalloy
A Gill, A Telang, SR Mannava, D Qian, YS Pyoun, H Soyama, ...
Materials science and engineering: A 576, 346-355, 2013
Microstructure, tensile deformation and fracture behaviour of aluminium alloy 7055
TS Srivatsan, S Sriram, D Veeraraghavan, VK Vasudevan
Journal of materials science 32, 2883-2894, 1997
Solid-state additive manufacturing of aluminum and copper using additive friction stir deposition: Process-microstructure linkages
RJ Griffiths, D Garcia, J Song, VK Vasudevan, MA Steiner, W Cai, ...
Materialia 15, 100967, 2021
The effects of ultrasonic nanocrystal surface modification on the fatigue performance of 3D-printed Ti64
H Zhang, R Chiang, H Qin, Z Ren, X Hou, D Lin, GL Doll, VK Vasudevan, ...
International Journal of Fatigue 103, 136-146, 2017
Characteristics of surface layers formed on inconel 718 by laser shock peening with and without a protective coating
AS Gill, A Telang, VK Vasudevan
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 225, 463-472, 2015
Effect of laser shock peening on residual stress, microstructure and fatigue behavior of ATI 718Plus alloy
M Kattoura, SR Mannava, D Qian, VK Vasudevan
International Journal of Fatigue 102, 121-134, 2017
SA Court and HL Fraser
VK Vasudevan, MA Stucke
Phil. mag. lett 59 (6), 299, 1989
Observation of a massive transformation from α to γ in quenched Ti-48 At. pct ai alloys
P Wang, GB Viswanathan, VK Vasudevan
Metallurgical Transactions A 23, 690-697, 1992
Laser shock peening without coating induced residual stress distribution, wettability characteristics and enhanced pitting corrosion resistance of austenitic stainless steel
S Prabhakaran, A Kulkarni, G Vasanth, S Kalainathan, P Shukla, ...
Applied Surface Science 428, 17-30, 2018
SA Court, P. Kurath, and HL Fraser
VK Vasudevan
Scripta metall 23 (6), 907, 1989
The high-cycle fatigue and fracture behavior of aluminum alloy 7055
TS Srivatsan, S Anand, S Sriram, VK Vasudevan
Materials Science and Engineering: A 281 (1-2), 292-304, 2000
Effect of boron on the beta transus of Ti–6Al–4V alloy
S Tamirisakandala, RB Bhat, DB Miracle, S Boddapati, R Bordia, ...
Scripta materialia 53 (2), 217-222, 2005
Thermal relaxation of residual stress in laser shock peened Ti–6Al–4V alloy
Z Zhou, S Bhamare, G Ramakrishnan, SR Mannava, K Langer, Y Wen, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 206 (22), 4619-4627, 2012
A finite element study of thermal relaxation of residual stress in laser shock peened IN718 superalloy
Z Zhou, AS Gill, D Qian, SR Mannava, K Langer, Y Wen, VK Vasudevan
International Journal of Impact Engineering 38 (7), 590-596, 2011
Deformation mechanisms in the intermetallic compound TiAl
SA Court, VK Vasudevan, HL Fraser
Philosophical Magazine A 61 (1), 141-158, 1990
Simulation-based optimization of laser shock peening process for improved bending fatigue life of Ti–6Al–2Sn–4Zr–2Mo alloy
S Bhamare, G Ramakrishnan, SR Mannava, K Langer, VK Vasudevan, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 232, 464-474, 2013
Effect of Ultrasonic Nanocrystal Surface Modification on residual stress, microstructure and fatigue behavior of ATI 718Plus alloy
M Kattoura, A Telang, SR Mannava, D Qian, VK Vasudevan
Materials Science and Engineering: A 711, 364-377, 2018
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Articles 1–20