Flavien Hirsch
Cited by
Cited by
Genuine hidden quantum nonlocality
F Hirsch, MT Quintino, J Bowles, N Brunner
Physical review letters 111 (16), 160402, 2013
Sufficient criterion for guaranteeing that a two-qubit state is unsteerable
J Bowles, F Hirsch, MT Quintino, N Brunner
Physical Review A 93 (2), 022121, 2016
Better local hidden variable models for two-qubit Werner states and an upper bound on the Grothendieck constant
F Hirsch, MT Quintino, T Vértesi, M Navascués, N Brunner
Quantum 1, 3, 2017
Algorithmic construction of local hidden variable models for entangled quantum states
F Hirsch, MT Quintino, T Vértesi, MF Pusey, N Brunner
Physical review letters 117 (19), 190402, 2016
Genuinely multipartite entangled quantum states with fully local hidden variable models and hidden multipartite nonlocality
J Bowles, J Francfort, M Fillettaz, F Hirsch, N Brunner
Physical review letters 116 (13), 130401, 2016
Quantum measurement incompatibility does not imply Bell nonlocality
F Hirsch, MT Quintino, N Brunner
Physical Review A 97 (1), 012129, 2018
Unbounded sequence of observers exhibiting Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering
A Shenoy H, S Designolle, F Hirsch, R Silva, N Gisin, N Brunner
Physical Review A 99 (2), 022317, 2019
Local hidden variable models for entangled quantum states using finite shared randomness
J Bowles, F Hirsch, MT Quintino, N Brunner
Physical review letters 114 (12), 120401, 2015
Entanglement without hidden nonlocality
F Hirsch, MT Quintino, J Bowles, T Vértesi, N Brunner
New Journal of Physics 18 (11), 113019, 2016
Incompatible quantum measurements admitting a local-hidden-variable model
MT Quintino, J Bowles, F Hirsch, N Brunner
Physical Review A 93 (5), 052115, 2016
Covariance bell inequalities
V Pozsgay, F Hirsch, C Branciard, N Brunner
Physical Review A 96 (6), 062128, 2017
Bell nonlocality with a single shot
M Araújo, F Hirsch, MT Quintino
Quantum 4, 353, 2020
Algorithmic construction of local models for entangled quantum states: Optimization for two-qubit states
M Fillettaz, F Hirsch, S Designolle, N Brunner
Physical Review A 98 (2), 022115, 2018
Single-copy activation of Bell nonlocality via broadcasting of quantum states
J Bowles, F Hirsch, D Cavalcanti
Quantum 5, 499, 2021
Device-independent and semi-device-independent entanglement certification in broadcast Bell scenarios
EC Boghiu, F Hirsch, PS Lin, MT Quintino, J Bowles
SciPost Physics Core 6 (2), 028, 2023
Hidden Nonlocality
F Hirsch
Master thesis, University of Geneva, 2013
The Schmidt number of a quantum state cannot always be device-independently certified
F Hirsch, M Huber
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.14189, 2020
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Articles 1–17