Elke Hertig
Elke Hertig
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Climate change, vulnerability and adaptation in North Africa with focus on Morocco
J Schilling, KP Freier, E Hertig, J Scheffran
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 156, 12-26, 2012
Climate change vulnerability, water resources and social implications in North Africa
J Schilling, E Hertig, Y Tramblay, J Scheffran
Regional Environmental Change 20, 1-12, 2020
An intercomparison of a large ensemble of statistical downscaling methods over Europe: Results from the VALUE perfect predictor cross‐validation experiment
JM Gutiérrez, D Maraun, M Widmann, R Huth, E Hertig, R Benestad, ...
International journal of climatology 39 (9), 3750-3785, 2019
VALUE: A framework to validate downscaling approaches for climate change studies
D Maraun, M Widmann, JM Gutiérrez, S Kotlarski, RE Chandler, E Hertig, ...
Earth's Future 3 (1), 1-14, 2015
Downscaling future climate change: Temperature scenarios for the Mediterranean area
E Hertig, J Jacobeit
Global and Planetary Change 63 (2-3), 127-131, 2008
Assessments of Mediterranean precipitation changes for the 21st century using statistical downscaling techniques
E Hertig, J Jacobeit
The climate of the Mediterranean region in future climate projections
S Planton, P Lionello, V Artale, R Aznar, A Carrillo, J Colin, L Congedi, ...
Regional downscaling of Mediterranean droughts under past and future climatic conditions
E Hertig, Y Tramblay
Global and Planetary Change 151, 36-48, 2017
Distribution of Anopheles vectors and potential malaria transmission stability in Europe and the Mediterranean area under future climate change
E Hertig
Parasites & vectors 12, 1-9, 2019
Temperature extremes in the Mediterranean area: trends in the past and assessments for the future
E Hertig, S Seubert, J Jacobeit
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 10 (10), 2039-2050, 2010
Comparison of statistical downscaling methods with respect to extreme events over Europe: Validation results from the perfect predictor experiment of the COST Action VALUE
E Hertig, D Maraun, J Bartholy, R Pongracz, M Vrac, I Mares, JM Gutiérrez, ...
International Journal of Climatology 39 (9), 3846-3867, 2019
The VALUE perfect predictor experiment: evaluation of temporal variability
D Maraun, R Huth, JM Gutiérrez, D San-Martín, M Dubovsky, AM Fischer, ...
John Wiley & Sons, 2019
Changes of total versus extreme precipitation and dry periods until the end of the twenty-first century: statistical assessments for the Mediterranean area
E Hertig, S Seubert, A Paxian, G Vogt, H Paeth, J Jacobeit
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 111, 1-20, 2013
Present-day and future Mediterranean precipitation extremes assessed by different statistical approaches
A Paxian, E Hertig, S Seubert, G Vogt, J Jacobeit, H Paeth
Climate dynamics 44, 845-860, 2015
A novel approach to statistical downscaling considering nonstationarities: application to daily precipitation in the Mediterranean area
E Hertig, J Jacobeit
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118 (2), 520-533, 2013
Statistical modelling of extreme precipitation indices for the Mediterranean area under future climate change
E Hertig, S Seubert, A Paxian, G Vogt, H Paeth, J Jacobeit
Statistical downscaling for climate change projections in the Mediterranean region: methods and results
J Jacobeit, E Hertig, S Seubert, K Lutz
Regional environmental change 14, 1891-1906, 2014
Regional flood frequency analysis through some machine learning models in semi-arid regions
P Allahbakhshian-Farsani, M Vafakhah, H Khosravi-Farsani, E Hertig
Water Resources Management 34, 2887-2909, 2020
Modelling extreme dry spells in the Mediterranean region in connection with atmospheric circulation
Y Tramblay, E Hertig
Atmospheric research 202, 40-48, 2018
Quantifying the evidence of climate change in the light of uncertainty exemplified by the Mediterranean hot spot region
H Paeth, G Vogt, A Paxian, E Hertig, S Seubert, J Jacobeit
Global and Planetary Change 151, 144-151, 2017
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Articles 1–20