Rebecca E McKenzie
Rebecca E McKenzie
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Malaghan Institute of Medical Research
Patvirtintas el. paštas
CRISPR-Cas: adapting to change
SA Jackson, RE McKenzie, RD Fagerlund, SN Kieper, PC Fineran, ...
Science 356 (6333), eaal5056, 2017
Priming in the Type IF CRISPR-Cas system triggers strand-independent spacer acquisition, bi-directionally from the primed protospacer
C Richter, RL Dy, RE McKenzie, BNJ Watson, C Taylor, JT Chang, ...
Nucleic acids research 42 (13), 8516-8526, 2014
Cas4 facilitates PAM-compatible spacer selection during CRISPR adaptation
SN Kieper, C Almendros, J Behler, RE McKenzie, FL Nobrega, ...
Cell reports 22 (13), 3377-3384, 2018
Direct visualization of native CRISPR target search in live bacteria reveals cascade DNA surveillance mechanism
JNA Vink, KJA Martens, M Vlot, RE McKenzie, C Almendros, BE Bonilla, ...
Molecular cell 77 (1), 39-50. e10, 2020
Cas4–Cas1 fusions drive efficient PAM selection and control CRISPR adaptation
C Almendros, FL Nobrega, RE McKenzie, SJJ Brouns
Nucleic acids research 47 (10), 5223-5230, 2019
An educational guide for nanopore sequencing in the classroom
AN Salazar, FL Nobrega, C Anyansi, C Aparicio-Maldonado, AR Costa, ...
PLoS computational biology 16 (1), e1007314, 2020
Using CAPTURE to detect spacer acquisition in native CRISPR arrays
RE McKenzie, C Almendros, JNA Vink, SJJ Brouns
Nature protocols 14 (3), 976-990, 2019
Structural plasticity and in vivo activity of Cas1 from the type I-F CRISPR–Cas system
ME Wilkinson, Y Nakatani, RHJ Staals, SN Kieper, HK Opel-Reading, ...
Biochemical Journal 473 (8), 1063-1072, 2016
Raw data to results: a hands-on introduction and overview of computational analysis for single-molecule localization microscopy
KJA Martens, B Turkowyd, U Endesfelder
Frontiers in Bioinformatics 1, 817254, 2022
mRNA Synthesis and Encapsulation in Ionizable Lipid Nanoparticles
RE McKenzie, JJ Minnell, M Ganley, GF Painter, SL Draper
Current Protocols 3 (9), e898, 2023
Role of nucleotide identity in effective CRISPR target escape mutations
T Künne, Y Zhu, F da Silva, N Konstantinides, RE McKenzie, RN Jackson, ...
Nucleic acids research 46 (19), 10395-10404, 2018
Single cell variability of CRISPR‐Cas interference and adaptation
RE McKenzie, EM Keizer, JNA Vink, J Van Lopik, F Büke, V Kalkman, ...
Molecular Systems Biology 18 (4), e10680, 2022
Single Cells in the Spotlight: Probing the kinetics of CRISPR Adaptation and Interference
R McKenzie
An Overview of the Management Measures for Geese in Range States of the European Goose Management Platform. AEWA EGMP Publication No. 10. Bonn, Germany.
I Tombre, A Brunner, B D'Hondt, H Düttmann, R Enzerink, AD Fox, ...
AEWA, 2019
Supplementary Methods
RE McKenzie, EM Keizer, JNA Vink, J van Lopik, F Büke, V Kalkman, ...
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