Jochem B. Evers
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Cited by
Functional–structural plant modelling: a new versatile tool in crop science
J Vos, JB Evers, GH Buck-Sorlin, B Andrieu, M Chelle, PHB De Visser
Journal of experimental Botany 61 (8), 2101-2115, 2010
Using combined measurements of gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence to estimate parameters of a biochemical C3 photosynthesis model: a critical appraisal and a …
X Yin, PC Struik, P Romero, J Harbinson, JB Evers, PEL Van Der Putten, ...
Plant, cell & environment 32 (5), 448-464, 2009
Designing intercrops for high yield, yield stability and efficient use of resources: Are there principles?
TJ Stomph, C Dordas, A Baranger, J de Rijk, B Dong, J Evers, C Gu, L Li, ...
Advances in Agronomy, 2020
Cessation of tillering in spring wheat in relation to light interception and red: far-red ratio
JB Evers, JAN Vos, B Andrieu, PC Struik
Annals of Botany 97 (4), 649-658, 2006
Functional-structural plant modelling in crop production
J Vos, LFM Marcelis, JB Evers
Functional-structural plant modelling in crop production, 1-12, 2007
The contribution of phenotypic plasticity to complementary light capture in plant mixtures
J Zhu, W van der Werf, NPR Anten, J Vos, JB Evers
New Phytologist 207 (4), 1213-1222, 2015
Optimizing soaking and germination conditions to improve gamma-aminobutyric acid content in japonica and indica germinated brown rice
Q Zhang, J Xiang, L Zhang, X Zhu, J Evers, W van der Werf, L Duan
Journal of functional foods 10, 283-291, 2014
Simulation of wheat growth and development based on organ-level photosynthesis and assimilate allocation
JB Evers, J Vos, X Yin, P Romero, PEL Van Der Putten, PC Struik
Journal of Experimental Botany 61 (8), 2203-2216, 2010
Towards a generic architectural model of tillering in Gramineae, as exemplified by spring wheat (Triticum aestivum)
JB Evers, J Vos, C Fournier, B Andrieu, M Chelle, PC Struik
New Phytologist 166 (3), 801-812, 2005
Understanding shoot branching by modelling form and function
JB Evers, AR van der Krol, J Vos, PC Struik
Trends in plant science 16 (9), 464-467, 2011
Neighbor detection at the leaf tip adaptively regulates upward leaf movement through spatial auxin dynamics
CK Pantazopoulou, FJ Bongers, JJ Küpers, E Reinen, D Das, JB Evers, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (28), 7450-7455, 2017
Managing mepiquat chloride and plant density for optimal yield and quality of cotton
X Ren, L Zhang, M Du, JB Evers, W van der Werf, X Tian, Z Li
Field Crops Research 149, 1-10, 2013
Maize yield and quality in response to plant density and application of a novel plant growth regulator
Q Zhang, L Zhang, J Evers, W van der Werf, W Zhang, L Duan
Field Crops Research 164, 82-89, 2014
Plant neighbor detection through touching leaf tips precedes phytochrome signals
M de Wit, W Kegge, JB Evers, MH Vergeer-van Eijk, P Gankema, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (36), 14705-14710, 2012
Simulating the effects of localized red:far‐red ratio on tillering in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) using a three‐dimensional virtual plant model
JB Evers, J Vos, M Chelle, B Andrieu, C Fournier, PC Struik
New Phytologist 176 (2), 325-336, 2007
Yield components and quality of intercropped cotton in response to mepiquat chloride and plant density
L Mao, L Zhang, JB Evers, W van der Werf, S Liu, S Zhang, B Wang, Z Li
Field Crops Research 179, 63-71, 2015
Mixing trees and crops increases land and water use efficiencies in a semi-arid area
W Bai, Z Sun, J Zheng, G Du, L Feng, Q Cai, N Yang, C Feng, Z Zhang, ...
Agricultural Water Management 178, 281-290, 2016
Current knowledge and future research opportunities for modeling annual crop mixtures. A review
N Gaudio, AJ Escobar-Gutiérrez, P Casadebaig, JB Evers, F Gérard, ...
Agronomy for Sustainable Development 39, 1-20, 2019
Plant density affects light interception and yield in cotton grown as companion crop in young jujube plantations
D Zhang, L Zhang, J Liu, S Han, Q Wang, J Evers, J Liu, W Van der Werf, ...
Field Crops Research 169, 132-139, 2014
An architectural model of spring wheat: evaluation of the effects of population density and shading on model parameterization and performance
JB Evers, J Vos, C Fournier, B Andrieu, M Chelle, PC Struik
Ecological Modelling 200 (3-4), 308-320, 2007
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Articles 1–20