Simple models of quantum chaos: Spectrum and eigenfunctions FM Izrailev Physics Reports 196 (5-6), 299-392, 1990 | 1115 | 1990 |
Stochastic Behavior of a Quantum Pendulum under a Periodic Perturbation G Casati, BV Chirikov, FM Izraelev, J Ford Lect. Notes in Phys. 93, 334, 1979 | 678* | 1979 |
Dynamical stochasticity in classical and quantum mechanics BV Chirikov, FM Izrailev, DL Shepelyansky Sov. Scient. Rev. C 2 (4), 209-267, 1981 | 565 | 1981 |
Localization and the mobility edge in one-dimensional potentials with correlated disorder FM Izrailev, AA Krokhin Physical review letters 82 (20), 4062, 1999 | 499 | 1999 |
Quantum chaos and thermalization in isolated systems of interacting particles F Borgonovi, FM Izrailev, LF Santos, VG Zelevinsky Physics Reports 626, 1-58, 2016 | 436 | 2016 |
The Fermi–Pasta–Ulam problem: fifty years of progress GP Berman, FM Izrailev Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 15 (1), 2005 | 430 | 2005 |
Quantum resonance for a rotator in a nonlinear periodic field FM Izrailev, DL Shepelyansky Theor. Math. Phys 43, 553, 1980 | 348* | 1980 |
Scaling properties of band random matrices G Casati, L Molinari, F Izrailev Physical review letters 64 (16), 1851, 1990 | 299 | 1990 |
Anomalous localization in low-dimensional systems with correlated disorder FM Izrailev, AA Krokhin, NM Makarov Physics Reports 512 (3), 125-254, 2012 | 298 | 2012 |
Quantum chaos: localization vs. ergodicity BV Chirikov, FM Izrailev, DL Shepelyansky Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 33 (1-3), 77-88, 1988 | 264 | 1988 |
Experimental observation of the mobility edge in a waveguide with correlated disorder U Kuhl, FM Izrailev, AA Krokhin, HJ Stöckmann Applied Physics Letters 77 (5), 633-635, 2000 | 259 | 2000 |
Statistical theory of finite Fermi systems based on the structure of chaotic eigenstates VV Flambaum, FM Izrailev Physical Review E 56 (5), 5144, 1997 | 234 | 1997 |
Statistics of complex levels of random matrices for decaying systems F Haake, F Izrailev, N Lehmann, D Saher, HJ Sommers Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter 88, 359-370, 1992 | 200 | 1992 |
Onset of chaos and relaxation in isolated systems of interacting spins: Energy shell approach LF Santos, F Borgonovi, FM Izrailev Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 85 (3 …, 2012 | 170 | 2012 |
Scaling behavior of localization in quantum chaos G Casati, I Guarneri, F Izrailev, R Scharf Physical review letters 64 (1), 5, 1990 | 167 | 1990 |
Chaos and statistical relaxation in quantum systems of interacting particles LF Santos, F Borgonovi, FM Izrailev Physical review letters 108 (9), 094102, 2012 | 159 | 2012 |
Band-random-matrix model for quantum localization in conservative systems G Casati, BV Chirikov, I Guarneri, FM Izrailev Physical Review E 48 (3), R1613, 1993 | 158 | 1993 |
Limiting quasienergy statistics for simple quantum systems FM Izrailev Physical review letters 56 (6), 541, 1986 | 143 | 1986 |
Quantum localization and statistics of quasienergy spectrum in a classically chaotic system FM Izrailev Physics letters A 134 (1), 13-18, 1988 | 140 | 1988 |
Mobility edge in aperiodic Kronig-Penney potentials with correlated disorder: Perturbative approach FM Izrailev, AA Krokhin, SE Ulloa Physical Review B 63 (4), 041102, 2001 | 137 | 2001 |