A. Scarpas
A. Scarpas
Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi
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Cited by
Review of warm mix rubberized asphalt concrete: Towards a sustainable paving technology
H Wang, X Liu, P Apostolidis, T Scarpas
Journal of cleaner production 177, 302-314, 2018
On the existence of wax-induced phase separation in bitumen
A Schmets, N Kringos, T Pauli, P Redelius, T Scarpas
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 11 (6), 555-563, 2010
Characterization of HMA moisture damage using surface energy and fracture properties
E Masad, C Zollinger, R Bulut, D Little, R Lytton, H Khalid, R Davis, ...
Asphalt paving technology: Association of asphalt paving technologists …, 2006
Long-term skid resistance of asphalt surfacings: correlation between Wehner–Schulze friction values and the mineralogical composition of the aggregates
M Kane, I Artamendi, T Scarpas
Wear 303 (1-2), 235-243, 2013
Modelling of combined physical–mechanical moisture-induced damage in asphaltic mixes, Part 1: governing processes and formulations
N Kringos, T Scarpas, C Kasbergen, P Selvadurai
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 9 (2), 115-128, 2008
Advanced evaluation of asphalt mortar for induction healing purposes
P Apostolidis, X Liu, A Scarpas, C Kasbergen, MFC Van De Ven
Construction and Building Materials 126, 9-25, 2016
Asphalt-rubber interaction and performance evaluation of rubberised asphalt binders containing non-foaming warm-mix additives
H Wang, X Liu, H Zhang, P Apostolidis, T Scarpas, S Erkens
Road materials and pavement design 21 (6), 1612-1633, 2020
Numerical investigation of rubber swelling in bitumen
H Wang, X Liu, P Apostolidis, S Erkens, T Scarpas
Construction and Building Materials 214, 506-515, 2019
Rheological behavior and its chemical interpretation of crumb rubber modified asphalt containing warm-mix additives
H Wang, X Liu, P Apostolidis, T Scarpas
Transportation Research Record 2672 (28), 337-348, 2018
Gradation measurement of asphalt mixture by X-Ray CT images and digital image processing methods
C Xing, H Xu, Y Tan, X Liu, C Zhou, T Scarpas
Measurement 132, 377-386, 2019
Studies on creep and recovery of rheological bodies based upon conventional and fractional formulations and their application on asphalt mixture
M Oeser, T Pellinen, T Scarpas, C Kasbergen
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 9 (5), 373-386, 2008
Investigation on the microstructure of recycled asphalt shingle binder and its blending with virgin bitumen
S Zhao, SN Nahar, AJM Schmets, B Huang, X Shu, T Scarpas
Road Materials and Pavement Design 16 (sup1), 21-38, 2015
Study of hydroplaning risk on rolling and sliding passenger car
SS Kumar, K Anupam, T Scarpas, C Kasbergen
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 53, 1019-1027, 2012
Non-newtonian behaviors of crumb rubber-modified bituminous binders
H Wang, X Liu, P Apostolidis, T Scarpas
Applied Sciences 8 (10), 1760, 2018
A methodology for seismic microzonation using GIS and SHAKE—a case study from Armenia, Colombia
S Slob, R Hack, T Scarpas, B van Bemmelen, A Duque
Engineering Geology for Developing Countries-Proceedings of 9th Congress of …, 2002
Study of influence of operating parameters on braking friction and rolling resistance
SK Srirangam, K Anupam, C Kasbergen, A Scarpas, V Cerezo
Transportation research record 2525 (1), 79-90, 2015
Pavement cracking: mechanisms, modeling, detection, testing and case histories
IL Al-Qadi, T Scarpas, A Loizos
CRC Press, 2008
Effect of synthetic fibres on fracture performance of asphalt mortar
P Apostolidis, X Liu, GC Daniel, S Erkens, T Scarpas
Road Materials and Pavement Design 21 (7), 1918-1931, 2020
Kinetic viscoelasticity of crosslinking epoxy asphalt
P Apostolidis, X Liu, M van de Ven, S Erkens, T Scarpas
Transportation Research Record 2673 (3), 551-560, 2019
Research on local deformation property of asphalt mixture using digital image correlation
C Xing, Y Tan, X Liu, K Anupam, T Scarpas
Construction and Building Materials 140, 416-423, 2017
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Articles 1–20