Joseph P. Near
Cited by
Cited by
Towards practical differential privacy for SQL queries
N Johnson, JP Near, D Song
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 11 (5), 526-539, 2018
Towards practical differentially private convex optimization
R Iyengar, JP Near, D Song, O Thakkar, A Thakurta, L Wang
2019 IEEE symposium on security and privacy (SP), 299-316, 2019
Alloy*: A general-purpose higher-order relational constraint solver
A Milicevic, JP Near, E Kang, D Jackson
Formal Methods in System Design 55, 1-32, 2019
Chorus: a programming framework for building scalable differential privacy mechanisms
N Johnson, JP Near, JM Hellerstein, D Song
2020 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P), 535-551, 2020
Data capsule: A new paradigm for automatic compliance with data privacy regulations
L Wang, JP Near, N Somani, P Gao, A Low, D Dao, D Song
Heterogeneous Data Management, Polystores, and Analytics for Healthcare …, 2019
Efficient differentially private secure aggregation for federated learning via hardness of learning with errors
T Stevens, C Skalka, C Vincent, J Ring, S Clark, J Near
31st USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 22), 1379-1395, 2022
Finding security bugs in web applications using a catalog of access control patterns
JP Near, D Jackson
Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2016
Duet: an expressive higher-order language and linear type system for statically enforcing differential privacy
JP Near, D Darais, C Abuah, T Stevens, P Gaddamadugu, L Wang, ...
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 3 (OOPSLA), 1-30, 2019
Rubicon: bounded verification of web applications
JP Near, D Jackson
Proceedings of the ACM SIGSOFT 20th International Symposium on the …, 2012
Programming Differential Privacy
JP Near, C Abuah, 2021
An imperative extension to Alloy
JP Near, D Jackson
International Conference on Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B and Z, 118-131, 2010
Derailer: interactive security analysis for web applications
JP Near, D Jackson
Proceedings of the 29th ACM/IEEE international conference on Automated …, 2014
{PrivGuard}: Privacy regulation compliance made easier
L Wang, U Khan, J Near, Q Pang, J Subramanian, N Somani, P Gao, ...
31st USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 22), 3753-3770, 2022
Alloy: a language and tool for relational models
D Jackson, A Milicevic, J Near, E Kang, E Torlak
retrieved at<> on Jul 22, 1, 2012
A lightweight code analysis and its role in evaluation of a dependability case
JP Near, A Milicevic, E Kang, D Jackson
Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering, 31-40, 2011
Applications and extensions of Alloy: past, present and future
E Torlak, M Taghdiri, G Dennis, JP Near
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 23 (4), 915-933, 2013
α lean TA P: A Declarative Theorem Prover for First-Order Classical Logic
JP Near, WE Byrd, DP Friedman
Logic Programming: 24th International Conference, ICLP 2008 Udine, Italy …, 2008
Equality and hashing for (almost) free: Generating implementations from abstraction functions
D Rayside, Z Benjamin, R Singh, JP Near, A Milicevic, D Jackson
2009 IEEE 31st International Conference on Software Engineering, 342-352, 2009
Methods for host-based intrusion detection with deep learning
JH Ring IV, CM Van Oort, S Durst, V White, JP Near, C Skalka
Digital Threats: Research and Practice (DTRAP) 2 (4), 1-29, 2021
Zero knowledge static program analysis
Z Fang, D Darais, JP Near, Y Zhang
Proceedings of the 2021 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications …, 2021
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Articles 1–20