Ana Pedrosa
Ana Pedrosa
Profesora de Ingeniería Mecánica, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
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Cited by
A finite element approach for the acoustic modeling of perforated dissipative mufflers with non-homogeneous properties
AG Antebas, FD Denia, AM Pedrosa, FJ Fuenmayor
Mathematical and Computer modelling 57 (7-8), 1970-1978, 2013
Acoustic characteristics of circular dissipative reversing chamber mufflers
FD Denia, AG Antebas, A Selamet, AM Pedrosa
Noise Control Engineering Journal 59 (3), 234-246, 2011
A modal coordinate catenary model for the real-time simulation of the pantograph-catenary dynamic interaction
S Gregori, M Tur, A Pedrosa, JE Tarancón, FJ Fuenmayor
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 162, 1-12, 2019
Hardware-in-the-loop pantograph tests using analytical catenary models
J Gil, M Tur, A Correcher, S Gregori, A Pedrosa, FJ Fuenmayor
Vehicle System Dynamics 60 (10), 3504-3518, 2022
Analysis of the integration of Sustainable Development Goals in the industrial engineering degree course
G Bracho, AM Pedrosa, E Klyatskina, J Maheut, S Bernal-Perez, ...
Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, Social and Technological Sciences …, 2023
Acoustic behaviour of circular chamber mufflers with single inlet and double opposite outlet
A Antebas, A Pedrosa, F Denia, F Fuenmayor
19th International Congress on Acoustics, Madrid, 2007
Modification of the SPR technique to ensure the fulfillment of imposed tractions in boundary nodes
JJ Ródenas, FJ Fuenmayor, A Roda, A Pedrosa
Adaptive Modeling and Simulation 1, 25, 2003
Analysis of the influence of calculation parameters on the design of the gearbox of a high-power wind turbine
F Rubio, C Llopis-Albert, AM Pedrosa
Mathematics 11 (19), 4137, 2023
Hardware-in-the-loop test bench for simulation of catenary–pantograph interaction (CPI) with linear camera measurement
A Correcher, C Ricolfe-Viala, M Tur, S Gregori, M Salvador-Muñoz, ...
Sensors 23 (4), 1773, 2023
Airflow-induced infrasound in commercial aircraft INTERNOISE. 2001 The Hague
M Alves-Pereira, MS Castelo Branco, J Motylewski, A Pedrosa, ...
The Netherlands, August, 2001
Hardware-in-the-loop simulations of a railway pantograph with a finite element periodic catenary model
J Gil, M Tur, S Gregori, A Correcher, AM Pedrosa, FJ Fuenmayor
Vehicle System Dynamics 62 (3), 695-718, 2024
A two source method with simultaneous excitation for the acoustic characterization of exhaust systems with mean flow
AM Pedrosa, FD Denia, AJ Besa, FJ Fuenmayor
INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 247 (4), 3783-3790, 2013
Experimental measurement of acoustic properties by a two source method with simultaneous excitation
AM Pedrosa, FD Denia, FJ Fuenmayor, M Åbom
18th International Congress of Sound & Vibration, 2011
Modelado analítico multidimensional del comportamiento acústico de silenciadores de escape de cámara reversa con material absorbente y placa perforada
AG Antebas, FD Denia, AM Pedrosa, FJ Fuenmayor
V Congreso Ibérico de Acústica y XXXIX Congreso Espanol de Acústica. Coimbra, 2008
On the presentation of academic works in blended learning environments
MJ Rupérez, AM Pedrosa
INTED2022 Proceedings, 4280-4283, 2022
Experiencias recientes para el desarrollo y evaluación de competencias transversales en el ámbito de la Ingeniería Mecánica y Ciencia de los Materiales
J Carballeira Morado, J Giner Navarro, J Martínez Casas, ...
IN-RED 2019. V Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red, 1432-1446, 2019
The use of Bayesian Optimisation techniques for the pantograph-catenary dynamic interaction stochastic problem
S Gregori, M Tur, A Pedrosa, FJ Fuenmayor
EngOpt 2018 Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Engineering …, 2019
Diseño de actividades y uso de la coevaluación para fomentar el desarrollo de competencias transversales en ingeniería mecánica y de materiales
J Carballeira, A Rovira Cardete, JL Suñer Martínez, E Nadal, ...
In-Red 2017. III Congreso Nacional de innovación educativa y de docencia en …, 2017
¿ Grabación automática de las clases en postpandemia? Criterio de estudiantes y docentes
AM Pedrosa Sanchez, MJ Rupérez Moreno, S Gregori Verdú, ...
In-Red 2022-VIII Congreso Nacional de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red …, 2022
Análisis de la formación en ODS en la titulación de GITI de la ETSII de la Universitat Politècnica de Valencia
AM Pedrosa, JL Diez, E Klyatskina, S Bernal-Perez, A Bayón, ...
Libro de actas. CUIEET_29, 269-274, 2022
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Articles 1–20