Tom Schwartzentruber
Tom Schwartzentruber
Professor of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, University of Minnesota
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Nonequilibrium Gas Dynamics and Molecular Simulation
ID Boyd, TE Schwartzentruber
Cambridge University Press 1, 360, 2017
An improved potential energy surface and multi-temperature quasiclassical trajectory calculations of N2+ N2 dissociation reactions
JD Bender, P Valentini, I Nompelis, Y Paukku, Z Varga, DG Truhlar, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 143 (5), 2015
A hybrid particle-continuum method applied to shock waves
TE Schwartzentruber, ID Boyd
Journal of Computational Physics 215 (2), 402-416, 2006
A modular particle–continuum numerical method for hypersonic non-equilibrium gas flows
TE Schwartzentruber, LC Scalabrin, ID Boyd
Journal of Computational Physics 225 (1), 1159-1174, 2007
Direct molecular simulation of nitrogen dissociation based on an ab initio potential energy surface
P Valentini, TE Schwartzentruber, JD Bender, I Nompelis, GV Candler
Physics of Fluids 27 (8), 2015
Oxygen interactions with silica surfaces: Coupled cluster and density functional investigation and the development of a new ReaxFF potential
AD Kulkarni, DG Truhlar, S Goverapet Srinivasan, ACT Van Duin, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (1), 258-269, 2013
Determination of the scalar friction factor for nonspherical particles and aggregates across the entire Knudsen number range by direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC)
C Zhang, T Thajudeen, C Larriba, TE Schwartzentruber, CJ Hogan Jr
Aerosol Science and Technology 46 (10), 1065-1078, 2012
Hybrid particle-continuum simulations of nonequilibrium hypersonic blunt-body flowfields
TE Schwartzentruber, LC Scalabrin, ID Boyd
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 22 (1), 29-37, 2008
Direct molecular simulation of nonequilibrium dilute gases
TE Schwartzentruber, MS Grover, P Valentini
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 32 (4), 892-903, 2018
Construction of a coarse-grain quasi-classical trajectory method. II. Comparison against the direct molecular simulation method
RL Macdonald, MS Grover, TE Schwartzentruber, M Panesi
The Journal of chemical physics 148 (5), 2018
Direct molecular simulation of internal energy relaxation and dissociation in oxygen
MS Grover, E Torres, TE Schwartzentruber
Physics of Fluids 31 (7), 2019
Dynamics of nitrogen dissociation from direct molecular simulation
P Valentini, TE Schwartzentruber, JD Bender, GV Candler
Physical Review Fluids 1 (4), 043402, 2016
Finite-rate oxidation model for carbon surfaces from molecular beam experiments
S Poovathingal, TE Schwartzentruber, VJ Murray, TK Minton, GV Candler
AIAA journal 55 (5), 1644-1658, 2017
Implementation of a chemical kinetics model for hypersonic flows in air for high-performance CFD
RS Chaudhry, ID Boyd, E Torres, TE Schwartzentruber, GV Candler
AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, 2191, 2020
Air–carbon ablation model for hypersonic flight from molecular-beam data
KS Prata, TE Schwartzentruber, TK Minton
AIAA journal 60 (2), 627-640, 2022
Vibrational Energy Transfer and Collision-Induced Dissociation in Collisions
MS Grover, TE Schwartzentruber, Z Varga, DG Truhlar
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 33 (3), 797-807, 2019
GPU-accelerated classical trajectory calculation direct simulation Monte Carlo applied to shock waves
P Norman, P Valentini, T Schwartzentruber
Journal of Computational Physics 247, 153-167, 2013
Robust cut-cell algorithms for DSMC implementations employing multi-level Cartesian grids
C Zhang, TE Schwartzentruber
Computers & fluids 69, 122-135, 2012
Molecular dynamics simulation of rotational relaxation in nitrogen: Implications for rotational collision number models
P Valentini, C Zhang, TE Schwartzentruber
Physics of Fluids 24 (10), 2012
Nonequilibrium flow through porous thermal protection materials, Part I: Numerical methods
EC Stern, S Poovathingal, I Nompelis, TE Schwartzentruber, GV Candler
Journal of Computational Physics 380, 408-426, 2019
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Articles 1–20