Laura Nuño de la Rosa
Cited by
Cited by
Becoming Organisms: The Organisation of Development and the Development of Organisation
L Nuño de la Rosa
History and philosophy of the life sciences 32 (2-3), 289-315, 2010
Computing the extended synthesis: mapping the dynamics and conceptual structure of the evolvability research front
L Nuño de la Rosa
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental …, 2017
A causal dispositional account of fitness
V Triviño, L Nuño de la Rosa
History and philosophy of the life sciences 38 (3), 1-18, 2016
Dispositional properties in evo-devo
CJ Austin, L Nuño de la Rosa
Nuño de la Rosa L, Müller GB (eds) Evolutionary Developmental Biology: A …, 2018
Pregnant females as historical individuals: an insight from the philosophy of evo-devo
L Nuño de la Rosa, M Pavličev, A Etxeberria
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 3741, 2021
Chances and Propensities in Evo-Devo
L Nuño de la Rosa, C Villegas
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 2019
The origin of angiosperms
CP Scutt
Evolutionary Developmental Biology, eds L. Nuno de la Rosa and G. Müller …, 2018
Evolutionary Developmental Biology: A Reference Guide
L Nuño de la Rosa, G Müller
Springer International Publishing, 2016
Evolvability as a disposition: philosophical distinctions, scientific implications
I Brigandt, C Villegas, AC Love, L Nuño de la Rosa
Conceptual roles of evolvability across evolutionary biology: Between diversity and unification
C Villegas, AC Love, L Nuño de la Rosa, I Brigandt, GP Wagner
Pattern and Process in Evo-Devo: Descriptions and Explanations
L Nuño de la Rosa, A Etxeberria
EPSA Philosophy of Science: Amsterdam 2009, 263-274, 2012
¿ Fue Darwin el «Newton de la brizna de hierba»? La herencia de Kant en la teoría darwinista de la evolución
L Nuño de la Rosa, A Etxeberria
Endoxa 1 (24), 185-216, 2010
A world of opportunity within constraint: Pere Alberch’s early Evo-Devo
A Etxeberria, L Nuño de la Rosa
Pere Alberch: The Creative Trajectory of an evo-devo biologist, 2009
The lateral mesodermal divide: an epigenetic model of the origin of paired fins
L Nuño de la Rosa, GB Müller, BD Metscher
Evolution & development 16 (1), 38-48, 2014
Evolutionary developmental biology
MJ Hopkins, S Gerber, LN de la Rosa, G Muller
Morphological disparity, 2017
The female orgasm and the homology concept in evolutionary biology
S Basanta, L Nuño de la Rosa
Journal of Morphology 284 (1), e21544, 2023
Typology and natural kinds in evo-devo
I Brigandt
Evolutionary developmental biology: A reference guide, 483-493, 2021
Pere Alberch: Originator of EvoDevo
JO Reiss, AC Burke, C Archer, M De Renzi, H Dopazo, A Etxeberría, ...
Biological Theory 3 (4), 351-356, 2008
El problema de la función en evo-devo
L Nuño de la Rosa
Contrastes. Revista Internacional de Filosofía, 2013
Capturing Processes: The Interplay of Modelling Strategies and Conceptual Understanding in Developmental Biology
L Nuño de la Rosa
Everything Flows: Towards a Processual Philosophy of Biology, 264-282, 2018
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Articles 1–20