Carlos Fernandes da Silva
Carlos Fernandes da Silva
Professor Catedrático/Full Professor, Department of Education and Psychology, University of Aveiro
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Burnout and stress measurement in police officers: Literature review and a study with the operational police stress questionnaire
C Queirós, F Passos, A Bártolo, AJ Marques, CF Da Silva, A Pereira
Frontiers in psychology 11, 587, 2020
Snoring in Portuguese primary school children
AM Ferreira, V Clemente, D Gozal, A Gomes, C Pissarra, H César, ...
Pediatrics 106 (5), e64-e64, 2000
COVID-19 in Portugal: exploring the immediate psychological impact on the general population
M Paulino, R Dumas-Diniz, S Brissos, R Brites, L Alho, MR Simões, ...
Psychology, Health & Medicine 26 (1), 44-55, 2021
Job stress, burnout and coping in police officers: relationships and psychometric properties of the organizational police stress questionnaire
C Queirós, F Passos, A Bártolo, S Faria, SM Fonseca, AJ Marques, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (18), 6718, 2020
Associations between sleep quality and domains of quality of life in a non-clinical sample: results from higher education students
DR Marques, AMS Meia-Via, CF da Silva, AA Gomes
Sleep health 3 (5), 348-356, 2017
The HADES RPC inner tof wall
D Belver, A Blanco, P Cabanelas, N Carolino, E Castro, J Diaz, P Fonte, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2009
Virtual reality and acrophobia: one-year follow-up and case study
CM Coelho, JA Santos, J Silvério, CF Silva
CyberPsychology & Behavior 9 (3), 336-341, 2006
Basic Scale on Insomnia complaints and Quality of Sleep (BaSIQS): Reliability, initial validity and normative scores in higher education students
A Allen Gomes, D Ruivo Marques, AM Meia-Via, M Meia-Via, J Tavares, ...
Chronobiology international 32 (3), 428-440, 2015
Prevalência dos fatores de risco cardiovascular em adultos admitidos na unidade de dor torácica em Vassouras, RJ
LN Martins, LS Souza, CF Silva, RS Machado, CEF Silva, MM Vilagra, ...
Rev Bras Cardiol 24 (5), 299-307, 2011
Proceedings of the 3rd IPLeiria’s International Health Congress: Leiria, Portugal. 6-7 May 2016
CC Tomás, E Oliveira, D Sousa, M Uba-Chupel, G Furtado, C Rocha, ...
BMC Health Services Research 16, 111-242, 2016
The role of sexually dimorphic skin colour and shape in attractiveness of male faces
M de Lurdes Carrito, IMB dos Santos, CE Lefevre, RD Whitehead, ...
Evolution and Human Behavior 37 (2), 125-133, 2016
Inserção profissional de graduados em Portugal:(re) configurações teóricas e empíricas
AP Marques, MG Alves, C Silva, MC Silva
Edições Húmus, 2010
Population Genetics of Wild-Type CAG Repeats in the Machado-Joseph Disease Gene in Portugal
M Lima, MC Costa, R Montiel, A Ferro, C Santos, C Silva, C Bettencourt, ...
Human heredity 60 (3), 156-163, 2006
Estudo padronizado do trabalho por turnos–versão portuguesa do SSI
CF Silva, MHP Azevedo, M Dias
Psychologica 13, 27-36, 1995
Copenhagen psychosocial questionnaire: Portugal e países africanos de língua oficial portuguesa
C Silva, V Amaral, A Pereira, P Bem-haja, A Pereira, V Rodrigues, ...
Departamento de Educação, Universidade de Aveiro: Aveiro, Portugal, 2011
Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire-COPSOQ-Portugal e países africanos de língua oficial portuguesa
C Silva, V Amaral, A Pereira, P Bem-Haja, A Pereira, V Rodrigues, ...
Departamento de Educação, Universidade de Aveiro: Aveiro, Portugal, 52, 2011
Contrasting the effectiveness and efficiency of virtual reality and real environments in the treatment of acrophobia
C Coelho, C Silva, J Santos, J Tichon, G Wallis
PsychNology Journal 6 (2), 203-216, 2008
Executive functioning in criminal behavior: Differentiating between types of crime and exploring the relation between shifting, inhibition, and anger
T Seruca, CF Silva
International Journal of Forensic Mental Health 15 (3), 235-246, 2016
Neuroimaging correlates of depression—implications to clinical practice
L Castanheira, C Silva, E Cheniaux, D Telles-Correia
Frontiers in Psychiatry 10, 703, 2019
Consequências sociais e emocionais da dislexia de desenvolvimento: um estudo de caso
LSA Carvalhais, C Silva
Psicologia Escolar e Educacional 11, 21-29, 2007
Sistema negali atlikti operacijos. Bandykite vėliau dar kartą.
Straipsniai 1–20