Lawrence Kahn
Lawrence Kahn
Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
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Cited by
Repair and strengthening of reinforced concrete beam-column joints: State of the art
M Engindeniz, LF Kahn, Z Abdul-Hamid
ACI structural journal 102 (2), 1, 2005
Chloride-induced corrosion resistance of high-strength stainless steels in simulated alkaline and carbonated concrete pore solutions
RD Moser, PM Singh, LF Kahn, KE Kurtis
Corrosion Science 57, 241-253, 2012
Shear friction tests with high-strength concrete
LF Kahn, AD Mitchell
Structural Journal 99 (1), 98-103, 2002
Short-term tensile creep and shrinkage of ultra-high performance concrete
VY Garas, LF Kahn, KE Kurtis
Cement and Concrete Composites 31 (3), 147-152, 2009
Utilization of Savannah Harbor river sediment as the primary raw material in production of fired brick
A Mezencevova, NN Yeboah, SE Burns, LF Kahn, KE Kurtis
Journal of environmental management 113, 128-136, 2012
Lateral load tests on a two-story unreinforced masonry building
T Yi, FL Moon, RT Leon, LF Kahn
Journal of Structural Engineering 132 (5), 643-652, 2006
Creep of UHPC in tension and compression: effect of thermal treatment
VY Garas, KE Kurtis, LF Kahn
Cement and Concrete Composites 34 (4), 493-502, 2012
Infilled walls for earthquake strengthening
LF Kahn, RD Hanson
Journal of the Structural Division 105 (2), 283-296, 1979
Inelastic cycles of axially loaded steel members
LF Kahn, RD Hanson
Journal of the Structural Division 102 (5), 947-959, 1976
Effect of different concrete materials on the corrosion of the embedded reinforcing steel
B Holland, P Alapati, KE Kurtis, L Kahn
Corrosion of steel in concrete structures, 199-218, 2023
Recommendations for seismic evaluation and retrofit of low-rise URM structures
FL Moon, T Yi, RT Leon, LF Kahn
Journal of Structural Engineering 132 (5), 663-672, 2006
Analyses of a two-story unreinforced masonry building
T Yi, FL Moon, RT Leon, LF Kahn
Journal of structural engineering 132 (5), 653-662, 2006
Shotcrete retrofit for unreinforced brick masonry
L Kahn
8th WCEE 583, 590, 1984
Monitoring and evaluation of self-healing in concrete using diffuse ultrasound
CW In, RB Holland, JY Kim, KE Kurtis, LF Kahn, LJ Jacobs
Ndt & e International 57, 36-44, 2013
Interface shear in high strength composite T-beams
LF Kahn, A Slapkus
PCI journal 49 (4), 102-111, 2004
Effect of internally stored water on creep of high-performance concrete
M Lopez, LF Kahn, KE Kurtis
ACI Materials Journal 105 (3), 265, 2008
Testing of a full-scale unreinforced masonry building following seismic strengthening
FL Moon, T Yi, RT Leon, LF Kahn
Journal of Structural Engineering 133 (9), 1215-1226, 2007
Creep and shrinkage of high-performance lightweight concrete
M Lopez, LF Kahn, KE Kurtis
Materials Journal 101 (5), 391-399, 2004
Lightweight concrete reduces weight and increases span length of pretensioned concrete bridge girders
KE Meyer, LF Kahn
PCI journal 47 (1), 2002
Characterization of elastic and time-dependent deformations in high performance lightweight concrete by image analysis
M Lopez, LF Kahn, KE Kurtis
Cement and Concrete Research 39 (7), 610-619, 2009
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Articles 1–20