Christos Kaklamanis
Christos Kaklamanis
University of Patras & Computer Technology Institute and Press "Diophantus"
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
The efficiency of fair division
I Caragiannis, C Kaklamanis, P Kanellopoulos, M Kyropoulou
Theory of Computing Systems 50, 589-610, 2012
Efficient access to optical bandwidth wavelength routing on directed fiber trees, rings, and trees of rings
M Mihail, C Kaklamanis, S Rao
Proceedings of IEEE 36th Annual Foundations of Computer Science, 548-557, 1995
Tight bounds for oblivious routing in the hypercube
C Kaklamanis, D Krizanc, T Tsantilas
Proceedings of the second annual ACM symposium on Parallel algorithms and …, 1990
Geometric clustering to minimize the sum of cluster sizes
V Bilo, I Caragiannis, C Kaklamanis, P Kanellopoulos
Algorithms–ESA 2005: 13th Annual European Symposium, Palma de Mallorca …, 2005
Tight bounds for selfish and greedy load balancing
I Caragiannis, M Flammini, C Kaklamanis, P Kanellopoulos, L Moscardelli
Algorithmica 61, 606-637, 2011
Tight bounds for selfish and greedy load balancing
I Caragiannis, M Flammini, C Kaklamanis, P Kanellopoulos, L Moscardelli
Automata, Languages and Programming: 33rd International Colloquium, ICALP …, 2006
Bounding the inefficiency of outcomes in generalized second price auctions
I Caragiannis, C Kaklamanis, P Kanellopoulos, M Kyropoulou, B Lucier, ...
Journal of Economic Theory 156, 343-388, 2015
On the efficiency of equilibria in generalized second price auctions
I Caragiannis, C Kaklamanis, P Kanellopoulos, M Kyropoulou
Proceedings of the 12th ACM conference on Electronic commerce, 81-90, 2011
Optimal wavelength routing on directed fiber trees
T Erlebach, K Jansen, C Kaklamanis, M Mihail, P Persiano
Theoretical Computer Science 221 (1-2), 119-137, 1999
Asymptotically tight bounds for computing with faulty arrays of processors
C Kaklamanis, AR Karlin, FT Leighton, V Milenkovic, P Raghavan, S Rao, ...
Proceedings [1990] 31st Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science …, 1990
Constrained bipartite edge coloring with applications to wavelength routing
C Kaklamanis, P Persiano, T Erlebach, K Jansen
Automata, Languages and Programming: 24th International Colloquium, ICALP'97 …, 1997
On the approximability of Dodgson and Young elections
I Caragiannis, JA Covey, M Feldman, CM Homan, C Kaklamanis, ...
Artificial Intelligence 187, 31-51, 2012
Branch-and-bound and backtrack search on mesh-connected arrays of processors
C Kaklamanis, G Persiano
Proceedings of the Fourth Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and …, 1992
Communication in wireless networks with directional antennas
I Caragiannis, C Kaklamanis, E Kranakis, D Krizanc, A Wiese
Proceedings of the twentieth annual symposium on Parallelism in algorithms …, 2008
Efficient wavelength routing on directed fiber trees
C Kaklamanis, P Persiano
European Symposium on Algorithms, 460-470, 1996
Hot-potato routing on processor arrays
C Kaklamanis, D Krizanc, S Rao
Proceedings of the fifth annual ACM symposium on Parallel algorithms and …, 1993
Taxes for linear atomic congestion games
I Caragiannis, C Kaklamanis, P Kanellopoulos
ACM Transactions on Algorithms (TALG) 7 (1), 1-31, 2010
Socially desirable approximations for Dodgson’s voting rule
I Caragiannis, C Kaklamanis, N Karanikolas, AD Procaccia
ACM Transactions on Algorithms (TALG) 10 (2), 1-28, 2014
The impact of altruism on the efficiency of atomic congestion games
I Caragiannis, C Kaklamanis, P Kanellopoulos, M Kyropoulou, ...
Trustworthly Global Computing: 5th International Symposium, TGC 2010, Munich …, 2010
New bounds on the size of the minimum feedback vertex set in meshes and butterflies
I Caragiannis, C Kaklamanis, P Kanellopoulos
Information Processing Letters 83 (5), 275-280, 2002
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