Lars N. Hansen
Cited by
Cited by
Grain boundary sliding in San Carlos olivine: Flow law parameters and crystallographic-preferred orientation
LN Hansen, ME Zimmerman, DL Kohlstedt
Journal of Geophysical Research 116 (B8), B08201, 2011
Tutorial: Crystal orientations and EBSD—Or which way is up?
TB Britton, J Jiang, Y Guo, A Vilalta-Clemente, D Wallis, LN Hansen, ...
Materials Characterization 117, 113-126, 2016
2.18 constitutive equations, rheological behavior, and viscosity of rocks
L Hansen, DL Kohlstedt
Treatise on Geophysics, 2, 441-472, 2015
Protracted fabric evolution in olivine: Implications for the relationship among strain, crystallographic fabric, and seismic anisotropy
LN Hansen, YH Zhao, ME Zimmerman, DL Kohlstedt
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 387, 157-168, 2014
The influence of microstructure on deformation of olivine in the grain‐boundary sliding regime
LN Hansen, ME Zimmerman, DL Kohlstedt
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 117 (B9), 2012
Geometrically necessary dislocation densities in olivine obtained using high-angular resolution electron backscatter diffraction
D Wallis, LN Hansen, TB Britton, AJ Wilkinson
Ultramicroscopy 168, 34-45, 2016
Laboratory measurements of the viscous anisotropy of olivine aggregates
LN Hansen, ME Zimmerman, DL Kohlstedt
Nature 492 (7429), 415-418, 2012
Inferring upper-mantle flow from seismic anisotropy: an experimental perspective
P Skemer, LN Hansen
Tectonophysics 668, 1-14, 2016
A nanoscale investigation of Carlin-type gold deposits: An atom-scale elemental and isotopic perspective
P Gopon, JO Douglas, MA Auger, L Hansen, J Wade, JS Cline, LJ Robb, ...
Economic Geology 114 (6), 1123-1133, 2019
Quantifying the effect of pyroxene on deformation of peridotite in a natural shear zone
LN Hansen, JM Warren
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 120 (4), 2717-2738, 2015
Low‐temperature plasticity in olivine: Grain size, strain hardening, and the strength of the lithosphere
LN Hansen, KM Kumamoto, CA Thom, D Wallis, WB Durham, DL Goldsby, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124 (6), 5427-5449, 2019
Mylonitic deformation at the Kane oceanic core complex: Implications for the rheological behavior of oceanic detachment faults
LN Hansen, MJ Cheadle, BE John, SM Swapp, HJB Dick, BE Tucholke, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 14 (8), 3085-3108, 2013
Strain localization in olivine aggregates at high temperature: A laboratory comparison of constant-strain-rate and constant-stress boundary conditions
LN Hansen, ME Zimmerman, AM Dillman, DL Kohlstedt
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 333, 134-145, 2012
Size effects resolve discrepancies in 40 years of work on low-temperature plasticity in olivine
KM Kumamoto, CA Thom, D Wallis, LN Hansen, DEJ Armstrong, ...
Science advances 3 (9), e1701338, 2017
Crystallographic preferred orientation of olivine in sheared partially molten rocks: The source of the “a‐c switch”
C Qi, LN Hansen, D Wallis, BK Holtzman, DL Kohlstedt
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 19 (2), 316-336, 2018
The influence of water and LPO on the initiation and evolution of mantle shear zones
P Skemer, JM Warren, LN Hansen, G Hirth, PB Kelemen
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 375, 222-233, 2013
Viscous anisotropy of textured olivine aggregates, Part 1: Measurement of the magnitude and evolution of anisotropy
DLK LN Hansen, JM Warren, ME Zimmerman
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 445, 92-103, 2016
High‐angular resolution electron backscatter diffraction as a new tool for mapping lattice distortion in geological minerals
D Wallis, LN Hansen, TB Britton, AJ Wilkinson
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124 (7), 6337-6358, 2019
Transport properties of olivine grain boundaries from electrical conductivity experiments
A Pommier, DL Kohlstedt, LN Hansen, S Mackwell, M Tasaka, ...
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 173, 1-13, 2018
Dislocation interactions in olivine revealed by HR‐EBSD
D Wallis, LN Hansen, TB Britton, AJ Wilkinson
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 122 (10), 7659-7678, 2017
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Articles 1–20