Yves-Andre Chapuis
Cited by
Cited by
Method for making a chemical contrast pattern using block copolymers and sequential infiltration synthesis
YA Chapuis, R Ruiz, L Wan
US Patent 8,900,467, 2014
A unified artificial neural network architecture for active power filters
DO Abdeslam, P Wira, J Mercklé, D Flieller, YA Chapuis
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 54 (1), 61-76, 2007
Bit-patterned magnetic recording: Theory, media fabrication, and recording performance
TR Albrecht, H Arora, V Ayanoor-Vitikkate, JM Beaujour, D Bedau, ...
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 51 (5), 1-42, 2015
Design, fabrication, and control of MEMS-based actuator arrays for air-flow distributed micromanipulation
Y Fukuta, YA Chapuis, Y Mita, H Fujita
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 15 (4), 912-926, 2006
Directed Self-Assembly of Triblock Copolymer on Chemical Patterns for Sub-10-nm Nanofabrication via Solvent Annealing
S Xiong, L Wan, Y Ishida, YA Chapuis, GSW Craig, R Ruiz, PF Nealey
ACS nano 10 (8), 7855-7865, 2016
Contributions of FPGAs to the control of electrical systems, a review
E Monmasson, YA Chapuis
IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Newsletter ( free access: http://www.old …, 2002
Room temperature ZnO growth by rf magnetron sputtering on top of photoactive P3HT: PCBM for organic solar cells
Y Jouane, S Colis, G Schmerber, P Kern, A Dinia, T Heiser, YA Chapuis
Journal of Materials Chemistry 21 (6), 1953-1958, 2011
Principles and implementation of direct torque control by stator flux orientation of an induction motor
YA Chapuis, D Roye, J Davoine
Proceedings of 1995 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition …, 1995
Contrôle Direct du Couple d'une Machine Asynchrone par L'orientation de son Flux Statorique
YA Chapuis
Grenoble INPG, 1996
Commande directe du couple d'une machine asynchrone par le contrôle direct de son flux statorique
YA Chapuis, D Roye, S Courtine
Journal de physique III 5 (6), 863-880, 1995
FPGA-based decentralized control of arrayed MEMS for microrobotic application
YA Chapuis, L Zhou, Y Fukuta, Y Mita, H Fujita
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 54 (4), 1926-1936, 2007
Influence of flexible substrates on inverted organic solar cells using sputtered ZnO as cathode interfacial layer
Y Jouane, S Colis, G Schmerber, A Dinia, P Lévêque, T Heiser, ...
Organic Electronics 14 (7), 1861-1868, 2013
Annealing treatment for restoring and controlling the interface morphology of organic photovoltaic cells with interfacial sputtered ZnO films on P3HT: PCBM active layers
Y Jouane, S Colis, G Schmerber, C Leuvrey, A Dinia, P Lévêque, T Heiser, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (4), 1606-1612, 2012
Quantization problem analysis on ASIC-based Direct Torque Control of an induction machine
YA Chapuis, C Girerd, F Aubépart, JP Blondé, F Braun
IECON'98. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial …, 1998
Conveyor for pneumatic two-dimensional manipulation realized by arrayed MEMS and its control
Y Fukuta, M Yanada, A Ino, Y Mita, YA Chapuis, S Konishi, H Fujita
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics 16 (2), 163-170, 2004
Alternative approach in 3D MEMS-IC integration using fluidic self-assembly techniques
YA Chapuis, A Debray, L Jalabert, H Fujita
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 19 (10), 105002, 2009
Advanced common control method for shunt and series active compensators used in power quality improvement
MAE Alali, YA Chapuis, S Saadate, F Braun
IEE proceedings-electric power applications 151 (6), 658-665, 2004
Multi-domain simulation using VHDL-AMS for distributed MEMS in functional environment: Case of a 2D air-jet micromanipulator
YA Chapuis, L Zhou, H Fujita, Y Hervé
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 148 (1), 224-238, 2008
Designing decentralized controllers for distributed-air-jet mems-based micromanipulators by reinforcement learning
L Matignon, GJ Laurent, N Le Fort-Piat, YA Chapuis
Journal of intelligent & robotic systems 59, 145-166, 2010
Directed self-assembly of high-chi block copolymer for nano fabrication of bit patterned media via solvent annealing
S Xiong, YA Chapuis, L Wan, H Gao, X Li, R Ruiz, PF Nealey
Nanotechnology 27 (41), 415601, 2016
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Articles 1–20