Mohamed Rachik
Mohamed Rachik
UTC Roberval
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In vivo characterization of the mechanical properties of human skin derived from MRI and indentation techniques
HV Tran, F Charleux, M Rachik, A Ehrlacher, MC Ho Ba Tho
Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering 10 (6), 401-407, 2007
Magnetic pulse welding: Interface of Al/Cu joint and investigation of intermetallic formation effect on the weld features
RN Raoelison, D Racine, Z Zhang, N Buiron, D Marceau, M Rachik
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 16 (4), 427-434, 2014
Elastomer biaxial characterization using bubble inflation technique. I: Experimental investigations
N Reuge, FM Schmidt, Y Le Maoult, M Rachik, F Abbé
Polymer Engineering & Science 41 (3), 522-531, 2001
Magnetic pulse welding of Al/Al and Al/Cu metal pairs: Consequences of the dissimilar combination on the interfacial behavior during the welding process
RN Raoelison, T Sapanathan, N Buiron, M Rachik
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 20, 112-127, 2015
Identification of the elastic properties of an artificial capsule membrane with the compression test: Effect of thickness
M Rachik, D Barthes-Biesel, M Carin, F Edwards-Levy
Journal of colloid and interface science 301 (1), 217-226, 2006
An insight into the low-velocity impact behavior of patch-repaired CFRP laminates using numerical and experimental approaches
Y Tie, Y Hou, C Li, X Zhou, T Sapanathan, M Rachik
Composite Structures 190, 179-188, 2018
Study of the elaboration of a practical weldability window in magnetic pulse welding
RN Raoelison, N Buiron, M Rachik, D Haye, G Franz, M Habak
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 213 (8), 1348-1354, 2013
Low-velocity impact behaviors of repaired CFRP laminates: Effect of impact location and external patch configurations
Y Hou, Y Tie, C Li, T Sapanathan, M Rachik
Composites Part B: Engineering 163, 669-680, 2019
Interface evolution during magnetic pulse welding under extremely high strain rate collision: mechanisms, thermomechanical kinetics and consequences
JS Li, RN Raoelison, T Sapanathan, YL Hou, M Rachik
Acta Materialia 195, 404-415, 2020
Some phenomenological and computational aspects of sheet metal blanking simulation
M Rachik, JM Roelandt, A Maillard
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 128 (1-3), 256-265, 2002
Interfacial kinematics and governing mechanisms under the influence of high strain rate impact conditions: Numerical computations of experimental observations
RN Raoelison, T Sapanathan, E Padayodi, N Buiron, M Rachik
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 96, 147-161, 2016
Depiction of interfacial characteristic changes during impact welding using computational methods: Comparison between Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian and Eulerian simulations
T Sapanathan, RN Raoelison, E Padayodi, N Buiron, M Rachik
Materials & Design 102, 303-312, 2016
Efficient welding conditions in magnetic pulse welding process
RN Raoelison, N Buiron, M Rachik, D Haye, G Franz
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 14 (3), 372-377, 2012
Comparison and evaluation of two types of cohesive zone models for the finite element analysis of fracture propagation in industrial bonded structures
P Jousset, M Rachik
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 132, 48-69, 2014
Numerical investigations on sheet metal blanking with high speed deformation
H Marouani, AB Ismail, E Hug, M Rachik
Materials & design 30 (9), 3566-3571, 2009
In situ metallic porous structure formation due to ultra high heating and cooling rates during an electromagnetic pulse welding
T Sapanathan, RN Raoelison, N Buiron, M Rachik
Scripta Materialia 128, 10-13, 2017
On the complete interface development of Al/Cu magnetic pulse welding via experimental characterizations and multiphysics numerical simulations
JS Li, T Sapanathan, RN Raoelison, YL Hou, A Simar, M Rachik
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 296, 117185, 2021
Optimization for maximizing the impact-resistance of patch repaired CFRP laminates using a surrogate-based model
Y Tie, Y Hou, C Li, L Meng, T Sapanathan, M Rachik
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 172, 105407, 2020
Dynamic finite element analysis of nonlinear isotropic hyperelastic and viscoelastic materials for thermoforming applications
F Erchiqui, A Gakwaya, M Rachik
Polymer engineering & science 45 (1), 125-134, 2005
Elastomer biaxial characterization using bubble inflation technique. II: Numerical investigation of some constitutive models
M Rachik, F Schmidtt, N Reuge, Y Le Maoult, F Abbeé
Polymer Engineering & Science 41 (3), 532-541, 2001
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