Alessandro Chiolerio
Alessandro Chiolerio
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia & University of the West of England
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Wearable electronics and smart textiles: A critical review
M Stoppa, A Chiolerio
sensors 14 (7), 11957-11992, 2014
Silver nanoparticle ink technology: state of the art
K Rajan, I Roppolo, A Chiappone, S Bocchini, D Perrone, A Chiolerio
Nanotechnology, science and applications, 1-13, 2016
All-SPEEK flexible supercapacitor exploiting laser-induced graphenization
A Lamberti, M Serrapede, G Ferraro, M Fontana, F Perrucci, S Bianco, ...
2D Materials 4 (3), 035012, 2017
Inkjet printing and low power laser annealing of silver nanoparticle traces for the realization of low resistivity lines for flexible electronics
A Chiolerio, G Maccioni, P Martino, M Cotto, P Pandolfi, P Rivolo, ...
Microelectronic Engineering 88 (8), 2481-2483, 2011
Zinc oxide thin films for memristive devices: a review
M Laurenti, S Porro, CF Pirri, C Ricciardi, A Chiolerio
Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences 42 (2), 153-172, 2017
Surface modification of commercial carbon felt used as anode for microbial fuel cells
D Hidalgo, T Tommasi, S Bocchini, A Chiolerio, A Chiodoni, I Mazzarino, ...
Energy 99, 193-201, 2016
Smart fluid systems: the advent of autonomous liquid robotics
A Chiolerio, MB Quadrelli
Advanced Science 4 (7), 1700036, 2017
Inkjet printed acrylic formulations based on UV-reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites
R Giardi, S Porro, A Chiolerio, E Celasco, M Sangermano
Journal of Materials Science 48, 1249-1255, 2013
Synthesis of polyaniline-based inks, doping thereof and test device printing towards electronic applications
S Bocchini, A Chiolerio, S Porro, D Accardo, N Garino, K Bejtka, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 1 (33), 5101-5109, 2013
Additive manufacturing of a microbial fuel cell—a detailed study
F Calignano, T Tommasi, D Manfredi, A Chiolerio
Scientific reports 5 (1), 17373, 2015
An NCL-HDL snake-clock-based magnetic QCA architecture
M Graziano, M Vacca, A Chiolerio, M Zamboni
IEEE Transactions on nanotechnology 10 (5), 1141-1149, 2011
Inkjet printed negative supercapacitors: synthesis of polyaniline‐based inks, doping agent effect, and advanced electronic devices applications
A Chiolerio, S Bocchini, S Porro
Advanced Functional Materials 24 (22), 3375-3383, 2014
Waste heat to power: Technologies, current applications, and future potential
E Garofalo, M Bevione, L Cecchini, F Mattiussi, A Chiolerio
Energy Technology 8 (11), 2000413, 2020
SERS active Ag nanoparticles in mesoporous silicon: detection of organic molecules and peptide–antibody assays
A Virga, P Rivolo, E Descrovi, A Chiolerio, G Digregorio, F Frascella, ...
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 43 (6), 730-736, 2012
Sonochemical synthesis of versatile hydrophilic magnetite nanoparticles
G Marchegiani, P Imperatori, A Mari, L Pilloni, A Chiolerio, P Allia, ...
Ultrasonics sonochemistry 19 (4), 877-882, 2012
Inkjet printed flexible electrodes for surface electromyography
RG Scalisi, M Paleari, A Favetto, M Stoppa, P Ariano, P Pandolfi, ...
Organic electronics 18, 89-94, 2015
Magnetic properties of jet-printer inks containing dispersed magnetite nanoparticles
P Tiberto, G Barrera, F Celegato, M Coïsson, A Chiolerio, P Martino, ...
The European Physical Journal B 86, 1-6, 2013
Wearable intrinsically soft, stretchable, flexible devices for memories and computing
K Rajan, E Garofalo, A Chiolerio
Sensors 18 (2), 367, 2018
Inkjet-printed PEDOT: PSS electrodes on plasma-modified PDMS nanocomposites: Quantifying plasma treatment hardness
A Chiolerio, P Rivolo, S Porro, S Stassi, S Ricciardi, P Mandracci, ...
Rsc Advances 4 (93), 51477-51485, 2014
Ag nanoparticle-based inkjet printed planar transmission lines for RF and microwave applications: considerations on ink composition, nanoparticle size distribution and …
A Chiolerio, M Cotto, P Pandolfi, P Martino, V Camarchia, M Pirola, ...
Microelectronic Engineering 97, 8-15, 2012
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Articles 1–20