Vikram C. Mathad
Vikram C. Mathad
Samsung Research Institute Bangalore
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Estimation of Hypernasality Scores from Cleft Lip and Palate Speech.
CM Vikram, A Tripathi, S Kalita, SRM Prasanna
Interspeech, 1701-1705, 2018
A deep learning algorithm for objective assessment of hypernasality in children with cleft palate
VC Mathad, N Scherer, K Chapman, JM Liss, V Berisha
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 68 (10), 2986-2996, 2021
Epoch extraction from telephone quality speech using single pole filter
CM Vikram, SRM Prasanna
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 25 (3), 624-636, 2017
Hypernasality severity analysis in cleft lip and palate speech using vowel space area
S Kalita, CM Vikram, M Pushpavathi, SR Prasanna
Proc. Interspeech 2017, 1829-1833, 2017
Phoneme independent pathological voice detection using wavelet based MFCCs, GMM-SVM hybrid classifier
CM Vikram, K Umarani
2013 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and …, 2013
Pathological voice analysis to detect neurological disorders using MFCC and SVM
CM Vikram, K Umarani
Int. J. Adv. Electr. Electron. Eng 2 (4), 87-91, 2013
The Impact of Forced-Alignment Errors on Automatic Pronunciation Evaluation.
VC Mathad, TJ Mahr, N Scherer, K Chapman, KC Hustad, J Liss, ...
Interspeech, 1922-1926, 2021
Spoken Keyword Detection Using Joint DTW-CNN.
R Shankar, CM Vikram, SRM Prasanna
Interspeech, 117-121, 2018
Spectral Enhancement of Cleft Lip and Palate Speech.
CM Vikram, N Adiga, SRM Prasanna
Interspeech, 117-121, 2016
Zero Frequency Filter Based Analysis of Voice Disorders.
N Adiga, CM Vikram, K Pullela, SRM Prasanna
Interspeech, 1824-1828, 2017
Analysis of articulation errors in dysarthric speech
U Goswami, SR Nirmala, CM Vikram, S Kalita, SRM Prasanna
Journal of psycholinguistic research 49, 163-174, 2020
Consonant-vowel transition models based on deep learning for objective evaluation of articulation
VC Mathad, JM Liss, K Chapman, N Scherer, V Berisha
IEEE/ACM transactions on audio, speech, and language processing 31, 86-95, 2022
Detection of nasalized voiced stops in cleft palate speech using epoch-synchronous features
CM Vikram, N Adiga, SRM Prasanna
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 27 (7), 1189 …, 2019
Detection of glottal activity errors in production of stop consonants in children with cleft lip and palate
CM Vikram, SR Prasanna, A K Abraham, G KS
Proc. Interspeech 2018, 382-386, 2018
Deep learning based prediction of hypernasality for clinical applications
VC Mathad, K Chapman, J Liss, N Scherer, V Berisha
ICASSP 2020-2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2020
Vowel onset point based screening of misarticulated stops in cleft lip and palate speech
VC Mathad, SRM Prasanna
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 28, 450-460, 2019
Event-based transformation of misarticulated stops in cleft lip and palate speech
PN Sudro, CM Vikram, SRM Prasanna
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 40, 4064-4088, 2021
Epoch Extraction from Pathological Children Speech Using Single Pole Filtering Approach
CM Vikram, SRM Prasanna
Spoken term detection from continuous speech using ANN posteriors and image processing techniques
R Shankar, A Jain, KT Deepak, CM Vikram, SRM Prasanna
2016 Twenty Second National Conference on Communication (NCC), 1-6, 2016
Text independent classification of normal and pathological voices using MFCCs and GMM-UBM
CM Vikram, K Umarani
2013 IEEE Conference on Information & Communication Technologies, 1215-1220, 2013
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Articles 1–20