Jing He
Jing He
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Seeing the herpesvirus capsid at 8.5 Ĺ
ZH Zhou, M Dougherty, J Jakana, J He, FJ Rixon, W Chiu
Science 288 (5467), 877-880, 2000
Assembly of VP26 in herpes simplex virus-1 inferred from structures of wild-type and recombinant capsids
ZH Zhou, J He, J Jakana, JD Tatman, FJ Rixon, W Chiu
Nature structural biology 2 (11), 1026-1030, 1995
A machine learning approach for the identification of protein secondary structure elements from electron cryo‐microscopy density maps
D Si, S Ji, KA Nasr, J He
Biopolymers 97 (9), 698-708, 2012
Accurate image analysis of the retina using hessian matrix and binarisation of thresholded entropy with application of texture mapping
X Yin, BWH Ng, J He, Y Zhang, D Abbott
PloS one 9 (4), e95943, 2014
Identification of α-helices from low resolution protein density maps
A Dal Palů, J He, E Pontelli, Y Lu
Computational Systems Bioinformatics, 89-98, 2006
Deep convolutional neural networks for detecting secondary structures in protein density maps from cryo-electron microscopy
R Li, D Si, T Zeng, S Ji, J He
2016 IEEE international conference on bioinformatics and biomedicine (BIBM …, 2016
Beta-sheet detection and representation from medium resolution cryo-EM density maps
D Si, J He
Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational …, 2013
Tracing beta strands using StrandTwister from cryo-EM density maps at medium resolutions
D Si, J He
Structure 22 (11), 1665-1676, 2014
Solving the Secondary Structure Matching Problem in Cryo-EM De Novo Modeling Using a Constrained -Shortest Path Graph Algorithm
K Al Nasr, D Ranjan, M Zubair, L Chen, J He
IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics 11 (2 …, 2014
Ranking valid topologies of the secondary structure elements using a constraint graph
K Al Nasr, D Ranjan, M Zubair, J He
Journal of bioinformatics and computational biology 9 (03), 415-430, 2011
An effective computational method incorporating multiple secondary structure predictions in topology determination for cryo-EM images
A Biswas, D Ranjan, M Zubair, S Zeil, K Al Nasr, J He
IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics 14 (3 …, 2016
Building the initial chain of the proteins through de novo modeling of the cryo-electron microscopy volume data at the medium resolutions
K Al Nasr, L Chen, D Si, D Ranjan, M Zubair, J He
Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology …, 2012
Native secondary structure topology has near minimum contact energy among all possible geometrically constrained topologies
W Sun, J He
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 77 (1), 159-173, 2009
Intensity-based skeletonization of CryoEM gray-scale images using a true segmentation-free algorithm
K Al Nasr, C Liu, M Rwebangira, L Burge, J He
IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics 10 (5 …, 2013
Deriving topology and sequence alignment for the helix skeleton in low-resolution protein density maps
Y Lu, J He, CEM Strauss
Journal of bioinformatics and computational biology 6 (01), 183-201, 2008
Finding and using local symmetry in identifying lower domain movements in hexon subunits of the herpes simplex virus type 1 B capsid
J He, MF Schmid, ZH Zhou, F Rixon, W Chiu
Journal of Molecular Biology 309 (4), 903-914, 2001
Structure prediction for the helical skeletons detected from the low resolution protein density map
K Al Nasr, W Sun, J He
BMC bioinformatics 11, 1-8, 2010
From isotropic to anisotropic side chain representations: comparison of three models for residue contact estimation
W Sun, J He
PLoS One 6 (4), e19238, 2011
Tracing actin filament bundles in three-dimensional electron tomography density maps of hair cell stereocilia
S Sazzed, J Song, JA Kovacs, W Wriggers, M Auer, J He
Molecules 23 (4), 882, 2018
Improved efficiency in cryo-EM secondary structure topology determination from inaccurate data
A Biswas, D Si, K Al Nasr, D Ranjan, M Zubair, J He
Journal of bioinformatics and computational biology 10 (03), 1242006, 2012
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Articles 1–20