Christian Hänisch
Christian Hänisch
PhD, IAPP, TU Dresden
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Cited by
High‐Efficiency Red Organic Light‐Emitting Diodes with External Quantum Efficiency Close to 30% Based on a Novel Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Emitter
YL Zhang, Q Ran, Q Wang, Y Liu, C Hänisch, S Reineke, J Fan, LS Liao
Advanced Materials, 1902368, 2019
High-performance organic light-emitting diodes comprising ultrastable glass layers
J Ràfols-Ribé, PA Will, C Hänisch, M Gonzalez-Silveira, S Lenk, ...
Science advances 4 (5), eaar8332, 2018
Perovskite phase heterojunction solar cells
R Ji, Z Zhang, YJ Hofstetter, R Buschbeck, C Hänisch, F Paulus, ...
Nature Energy 7 (12), 1170-1179, 2022
Tailor-made nanostructures bridging chaos and order for highly efficient white organic light-emitting diodes
Y Li, M Kovačič, J Westphalen, S Oswald, Z Ma, C Hänisch, PA Will, ...
Nature Communications 10 (1), 2972, 2019
Photomultiplication‐type organic photodetectors for near‐infrared sensing with high and bias‐independent specific detectivity
S Xing, J Kublitski, C Hänisch, LC Winkler, T Li, H Kleemann, J Benduhn, ...
Advanced Science 9 (7), 2105113, 2022
Ultrathin MoO3 Layers in Composite Metal Electrodes: Improved Optics Allow Highly Efficient Organic Light‐Emitting Diodes
Y Li, Z Tang, C Hänisch, PA Will, M Kovačič, JL Hou, R Scholz, K Leo, ...
Advanced Optical Materials 7 (3), 1801262, 2019
Analysis of the Annealing Budget of Metal Oxide Thin‐Film Transistors Prepared by an Aqueous Blade‐Coating Process
T Tang, P Dacha, K Haase, J Kreß, C Hänisch, J Perez, Y Krupskaya, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 33 (8), 2207966, 2023
Dimers or Solid‐State Solvation? Intermolecular Effects of Multiple Donor–Acceptor Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Emitter Determining Organic Light‐Emitting Diode …
P Imbrasas, R Lygaitis, P Kleine, R Scholz, C Hänisch, S Buchholtz, ...
Advanced Optical Materials 9 (14), 2002153, 2021
Refined setup for angle-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy of thin films
C Hänisch, S Lenk, S Reineke
Physical Review Applied 14 (6), 064036, 2020
Locking excitons in two-dimensional emitting layers for efficient monochrome and white organic light-emitting diodes
Y Liu, C Hänisch, Z Wu, PA Will, F Fries, J Wu, S Lenk, K Leo, S Reineke
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 7 (29), 8929-8937, 2019
Organic dye-doped pmma lasing
PY Ang, M Čehovski, F Lompa, C Hänisch, D Samigullina, S Reineke, ...
Polymers 13 (20), 3566, 2021
In Situ Determination of the Orientation of the Emissive Dipoles in Light‐Emitting Electrochemical Cells
J Ràfols‐Ribé, C Hänisch, C Larsen, S Reineke, L Edman
Advanced Materials Technologies 8 (13), 2202120, 2023
Measurement and manipulation of the emitter orientation in organic thin-film devices
C Hänisch
Organic Dye-Doped PMMA Lasing. Polymers 2021, 13, 3566
PY Ang, M Cehovski, F Lompa, C Hänisch, D Samigullina, S Reineke, ...
s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published …, 2021
Tweaking the performance of OLEDs with ultrastable glass layers (Conference Presentation)
S Reineke, J Ràfols-Ribé, PA Will, C Hänisch, M González-Silveira, ...
Organic Light Emitting Materials and Devices XXII 10736, 107360Q, 2018
Angular resolved photoluminescence from non-ideal emission spots (Conference Presentation)
C Hänisch, S Reineke, S Lenk
Organic Electronics and Photonics: Fundamentals and Devices 10687, 106870V, 2018
Precise determination of the molecular orientation in organic thin films by angular resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy
C Hänisch, C Fuchs, S Lenk, S Reineke
Solid-State Lighting, SSW2D. 5, 2016
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Articles 1–17