Nana Wang
Cited by
Cited by
Perovskite light-emitting diodes based on spontaneously formed submicrometre-scale structures
Y Cao, N Wang, H Tian, J Guo, Y Wei, H Chen, Y Miao, W Zou, K Pan, ...
Nature 562 (7726), 249-253, 2018
Perovskite light-emitting diodes based on solution-processed self-organized multiple quantum wells
N Wang, L Cheng, R Ge, S Zhang, Y Miao, W Zou, C Yi, Y Sun, Y Cao, ...
Nature Photonics 10 (11), 699-704, 2016
Interfacial control toward efficient and low-voltage perovskite light-emitting diodes
J Wang, N Wang, Y Jin, J Si, ZK Tan, H Du, L Cheng, X Dai, S Bai, H He, ...
Adv. Mater 27 (14), 2311-2316, 2015
Minimising efficiency roll-off in high-brightness perovskite light-emitting diodes
W Zou, R Li, S Zhang, Y Liu, N Wang, Y Cao, Y Miao, M Xu, Q Guo, D Di, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 608, 2018
Oriented quasi‐2D perovskites for high performance optoelectronic devices
R Yang, R Li, Y Cao, Y Wei, Y Miao, WL Tan, X Jiao, H Chen, L Zhang, ...
Advanced Materials 30 (51), 1804771, 2018
Unveiling the additive-assisted oriented growth of perovskite crystallite for high performance light-emitting diodes
L Zhu, H Cao, C Xue, H Zhang, M Qin, J Wang, K Wen, Z Fu, T Jiang, L Xu, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 5081, 2021
Exciton localization in solution-processed organolead trihalide perovskites
H He, Q Yu, H Li, J Li, J Si, Y Jin, N Wang, J Wang, J He, X Wang, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 10896, 2016
Efficient red perovskite light‐emitting diodes based on solution‐processed multiple quantum Wells
S Zhang, C Yi, N Wang, Y Sun, W Zou, Y Wei, Y Cao, Y Miao, R Li, Y Yin, ...
Advanced Materials 29 (22), 1606600, 2017
Multiple‐quantum‐well perovskites for high‐performance light‐emitting diodes
L Cheng, T Jiang, Y Cao, C Yi, N Wang, W Huang, J Wang
Advanced Materials 32 (15), 1904163, 2020
Effect of buffer layers on the performance of organic photovoltaic cells based on copper phthalocyanine and C60
N Wang, J Yu, Y Zang, J Huang, Y Jiang
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 94 (2), 263-266, 2010
Efficient and bright warm-white electroluminescence from lead-free metal halides
H Chen, L Zhu, C Xue, P Liu, X Du, K Wen, H Zhang, L Xu, C Xiang, C Lin, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 1421, 2021
Stable and bright formamidinium-based perovskite light-emitting diodes with high energy conversion efficiency
Y Miao, Y Ke, N Wang, W Zou, M Xu, Y Cao, Y Sun, R Yang, Y Wang, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 3624, 2019
Microcavity top-emission perovskite light-emitting diodes
Y Miao, L Cheng, W Zou, L Gu, J Zhang, Q Guo, Q Peng, M Xu, Y He, ...
Light: Science & Applications 9 (1), 89, 2020
High‐efficiency flexible solar cells based on organometal halide perovskites
Y Wang, S Bai, L Cheng, N Wang, J Wang, F Gao, W Huang
Advanced Materials 28 (22), 4532-4540, 2016
Enhanced performance of red perovskite light-emitting diodes through the dimensional tailoring of perovskite multiple quantum wells
J Chang, S Zhang, N Wang, Y Sun, Y Wei, R Li, C Yi, J Wang, W Huang
The journal of physical chemistry letters 9 (4), 881-886, 2018
Sky-blue perovskite light-emitting diodes based on quasi-two-dimensional layered perovskites
L Cheng, Y Cao, R Ge, YQ Wei, NN Wang, JP Wang, W Huang
Chinese Chemical Letters 28 (1), 29-31, 2017
Organic photovoltaic cells based on TPBi as a cathode buffer layer
J Yu, N Wang, Y Zang, Y Jiang
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 95 (2), 664-668, 2011
Tin-based multiple quantum well perovskites for light-emitting diodes with improved stability
Y Wang, R Zou, J Chang, Z Fu, Y Cao, L Zhang, Y Wei, D Kong, W Zou, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 10 (3), 453-459, 2019
High-efficiency red light-emitting diodes based on multiple quantum wells of phenylbutylammonium-cesium lead iodide perovskites
Z He, Y Liu, Z Yang, J Li, J Cui, D Chen, Z Fang, H He, Z Ye, H Zhu, ...
Acs Photonics 6 (3), 587-594, 2019
Additive treatment yields high-performance lead-free perovskite light-emitting diodes
H Min, J Chang, Y Tong, J Wang, F Zhang, Z Feng, X Bi, N Chen, Z Kuang, ...
Nature Photonics 17 (9), 755-760, 2023
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