Marina Mongiello
Marina Mongiello
Associate Professor at Politecnico di Bari
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
A system for principled matchmaking in an electronic marketplace
T Di Noia, E Di Sciascio, FM Donini, M Mongiello
Proceedings of the 12th international conference on World Wide Web, 321-330, 2003
Concept abduction and contraction for semantic-based discovery of matches and negotiation spaces in an e-marketplace
S Colucci, TD Noia, ED Sciascio, M Mongiello, FM Donini
Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Electronic commerce, 41-50, 2004
A formal approach to ontology-based semantic match of skills descriptions.
S Colucci, T Di Noia, E Di Sciascio, FM Donini, M Mongiello, M Mottola
J. Univers. Comput. Sci. 9 (12), 1437-1454, 2003
Abductive matchmaking using description logics
T Di Noia, E Di Sciascio, FM Donini, M Mongiello
IJCAI 3, 337-342, 2003
Content-based image retrieval over the web using query by sketch and relevance feedback
E Di Sciascio, G Mingolla, M Mongiello
International Conference on Advances in Visual Information Systems, 123-130, 1999
Concept abduction and contraction in description logics.
S Colucci, T Di Noia, E Di Sciascio, FM Donini, M Mongiello
Description logics, 2003
Web applications design and maintenance using symbolic model checking
E Di Sciascio, FM Donini, M Mongiello, G Piscitelli
Seventh European Conference onSoftware Maintenance and Reengineering, 2003 …, 2003
Structured knowledge representation for image retrieval
E Di Sciascio, FM Donini, M Mongiello
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 16, 209-257, 2002
Modelling and verification of BPEL business processes
M Mongiello, D Castelluccia
Fourth Workshop on Model-Based Development of Computer-Based Systems and …, 2006
Query by sketch and relevance feedback for content-based image retrieval over the web
E Di Sciascio, M Mongiello
Journal of Visual Languages & Computing 10 (6), 565-584, 1999
Semantic matchmaking in a P-2-P electronic marketplace
TD Noia, ED Sciascio, FM Donini, M Mongiello
Proceedings of the 2003 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 582-586, 2003
A uniform tableaux-based approach to concept abduction and contraction in ALN
S Colucci, T Di Noia, E Di Sciascio, F Donini, M Mongiello
International Workshop on Description Logics, 158-167, 2004
Digital age of consent and age verification: Can they protect children?
L Pasquale, P Zippo, C Curley, B O’Neill, M Mongiello
IEEE software 39 (3), 50-57, 2020
A fuzzy ontology-based approach for tool-supported decision making in architectural design
T Di Noia, M Mongiello, F Nocera, U Straccia
Knowledge and Information Systems 58, 83-112, 2019
A model checking-based method for verifying web application design
FM Donini, M Mongiello, M Ruta, R Totaro
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 151 (2), 19-32, 2006
Intelligent knowledge-based systems: business and technology in the new millennium
CT Leondes
Springer Science & Business Media, 2010
Design verification of web applications using symbolic model checking
E Di Sciascio, FM Donini, M Mongiello, R Totaro, D Castelluccia
Web Engineering: 5th International Conference, ICWE 2005, Sydney, Australia …, 2005
Anweb: a system for automatic support to web application verification
E Di Sciascio, FM Donini, M Mongiello, G Piscitelli
Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Software engineering and …, 2002
Spatial layout representation for query-by-sketch content-based image retrieval
E Di Sciascio, FM Donini, M Mongiello
Pattern Recognition Letters 23 (13), 1599-1612, 2002
Challenges to be addressed to realize Internet of Things solutions for smart environments
L Patrono, L Atzori, P Šolić, M Mongiello, A Almeida
Future generation computer systems 111, 873-878, 2020
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