Alberto Coen-Porisini
Alberto Coen-Porisini
Professor of software engineering, University of Insubria, Italy
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Security, privacy and trust in Internet of Things: The road ahead
S Sicari, A Rizzardi, LA Grieco, A Coen-Porisini
Computer networks 76, 146-164, 2015
5G In the internet of things era: An overview on security and privacy challenges
S Sicari, A Rizzardi, A Coen-Porisini
Computer Networks 179, 107345, 2020
A secure and quality-aware prototypical architecture for the Internet of Things
S Sicari, A Rizzardi, D Miorandi, C Cappiello, A Coen-Porisini
Information Systems 58, 43-55, 2016
A security-and quality-aware system architecture for Internet of Things
S Sicari, C Cappiello, F De Pellegrini, D Miorandi, A Coen-Porisini
Information Systems Frontiers 18, 665-677, 2016
Using symbolic execution for verifying safety-critical systems
A Coen-Porisini, G Denaro, C Ghezzi, M Pezzé
Proceedings of the 8th European software engineering conference held jointly …, 2001
AUPS: An open source AUthenticated Publish/Subscribe system for the Internet of Things
A Rizzardi, S Sicari, D Miorandi, A Coen-Porisini
Information Systems 62, 29-41, 2016
From formal models to formally based methods: An industrial experience
E Ciapessoni, P Mirandola, A Coen-Porisini, D Mandrioli, A Morzenti
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 8 (1), 79-113, 1999
REATO: REActing TO Denial of Service attacks in the Internet of Things
S Sicari, A Rizzardi, D Miorandi, A Coen-Porisini
Computer Networks 137, 37-48, 2018
A formal approach for designing CORBA-based applications
A Coen-Porisini, M Pradella, M Rossi, D Mandrioli
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 12 (2), 107-151, 2003
Specification of realtime systems using ASTRAL
A Coen-Porisini, C Ghezzi, RA Kemmerer
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 23 (9), 572-598, 1997
DyDAP: A dynamic data aggregation scheme for privacy aware wireless sensor networks
S Sicari, LA Grieco, G Boggia, A Coen-Porisini
Journal of Systems and Software 85 (1), 152-166, 2012
Security policy enforcement for networked smart objects
S Sicari, A Rizzardi, D Miorandi, C Cappiello, A Coen-Porisini
Computer Networks 108, 133-147, 2016
Software specialization via symbolic execution
A Coen-Porisini, F De Paoli, C Ghezzi, D Mandrioli
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 17 (9), 884, 1991
A policy enforcement framework for Internet of Things applications in the smart health
S Sicari, A Rizzardi, LA Grieco, G Piro, A Coen-Porisini
Smart Health 3, 39-74, 2017
Toward data governance in the internet of things
S Sicari, A Rizzardi, C Cappiello, D Miorandi, A Coen-Porisini
New advances in the internet of things, 59-74, 2018
Smart transport and logistics: A Node‐RED implementation
S Sicari, A Rizzardi, A Coen‐Porisini
Internet Technology Letters 2 (2), e88, 2019
A formal framework for ASTRAL intralevel proof obligations
A Coen-Porisini, RA Kemmerer, D Mandrioli
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 20 (8), 548-561, 1994
A risk assessment methodology for the Internet of Things
S Sicari, A Rizzardi, D Miorandi, A Coen-Porisini
Computer Communications 129, 67-79, 2018
Security&privacy issues and challenges in NoSQL databases
S Sicari, A Rizzardi, A Coen-Porisini
Computer Networks 206, 108828, 2022
Security towards the edge: Sticky policy enforcement for networked smart objects
S Sicari, A Rizzardi, D Miorandi, A Coen-Porisini
Information Systems 71, 78-89, 2017
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