Michel Verheul
Michel Verheul
Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO)
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Review of flavonoids and other phenolics from fruits of different tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) cultivars
R Slimestad, M Verheul
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 89 (8), 1255-1270, 2009
Synergetic effects of nitrogen depletion, temperature, and light on the content of phenolic compounds and gene expression in leaves of tomato
T Løvdal, KM Olsen, R Slimestad, M Verheul, C Lillo
Phytochemistry 71 (5-6), 605-613, 2010
Differential expression of four Arabidopsis PAL genes; PAL1 and PAL2 have functional specialization in abiotic environmental-triggered flavonoid synthesis
KM Olsen, US Lea, R Slimestad, M Verheul, C Lillo
Journal of plant physiology 165 (14), 1491-1499, 2008
Influence of fertilization, mulch color, early forcing, fruit order, planting date, shading, growing environment, and genotype on the contents of selected phenolics in …
MJ Anttonen, KI Hoppula, R Nestby, MJ Verheul, RO Karjalainen
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 54 (7), 2614-2620, 2006
The flavonoids of tomatoes
R Slimestad, T Fossen, MJ Verheul
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56 (7), 2436-2441, 2008
Temperature and nitrogen effects on regulators and products of the flavonoid pathway: experimental and kinetic model studies
KM Olsen, R Slimestad, US Lea, C Brede, T Løvdal, P Ruoff, M Verheul, ...
Plant, Cell & Environment 32 (3), 286-299, 2009
Growth and development of maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings under chilling conditions in the field
P Verheul, MJ, Picatto, C, Stamp
European Journal of Agronomy 5 (1-2), 31-43, 1996
Seasonal variations in the level of plant constituents in greenhouse production of cherry tomatoes
R Slimestad, MJ Verheul
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 53 (8), 3114-3119, 2005
Content of chalconaringenin and chlorogenic acid in cherry tomatoes is strongly reduced during postharvest ripening
R Slimestad, MJ Verheul
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 53 (18), 7251-7256, 2005
Influences of day and night temperatures on flowering of Fragaria x ananassa Duch., cvs. Korona and Elsanta, at different photoperiods
MJ Verheul, A Sønsteby, SO Grimstad
Scientia Horticulturae 112 (2), 200-206, 2007
Interactions of photoperiod, temperature, duration of short-day treatment and plant age on flowering of Fragaria x ananassa Duch. cv. Korona
MJ Verheul, A Sønsteby, SO Grimstad
Scientia Horticulturae 107 (2), 164-170, 2006
Influence of repeated short-term nitrogen limitations on leaf phenolics metabolism in tomato
R Larbat, KM Olsen, R Slimestad, T Løvdal, C Bénard, M Verheul, ...
Phytochemistry 77, 119-128, 2012
Supplemental light-emitting diode inter-lighting increases tomato fruit growth through enhanced photosynthetic light use efficiency and modulated root activity
M Paponov, D Kechasov, J Lacek, MJ Verheul, IA Paponov
Frontiers in plant science 10, 1656, 2020
Valorization of tomato surplus and waste fractions: A case study using Norway, Belgium, Poland, and Turkey as examples
T Løvdal, B Van Droogenbroeck, EC Eroglu, S Kaniszewski, G Agati, ...
Foods 8 (7), 229, 2019
From producer to consumer: greenhouse tomato quality as affected by variety, maturity stage at harvest, transport conditions, and supermarket storage
MJ Verheul, R Slimestad, IH Tjøstheim
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 63 (20), 5026-5034, 2015
Comparison of Maize Inbred Lines Differing in Low Temperature Tolerance: Effect of Acclimation at Suboptimal Temperature on Chloroplast Functioning
P Verheul, MJ, van Hasselt, P, Stamp
Annals of Botany 76 (1), 7-14, 1995
Deep learning in hyperspectral image reconstruction from single RGB images—A case study on tomato quality parameters
J Zhao, D Kechasov, B Rewald, G Bodner, M Verheul, N Clarke, JL Clarke
Remote Sensing 12 (19), 3258, 2020
A greenhouse climate-yield model focussing on additional light, heat harvesting and its validation
I Righini, B Vanthoor, MJ Verheul, M Naseer, H Maessen, T Persson, ...
Biosystems Engineering 194, 1-15, 2020
Optimizing a year-round cultivation system of tomato under artificial light
MJ Verheul, HFR Maessen, SO Grimstad
VII International Symposium on Light in Horticultural Systems 956, 389-394, 2012
Organic waste-based fertilizer in hydroponics increases tomato fruit size but reduces fruit quality
D Kechasov, MJ Verheul, M Paponov, A Panosyan, IA Paponov
Frontiers in Plant Science 12, 680030, 2021
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Articles 1–20