Liang Hong
Liang Hong
School of physics and astronomy & institute of natural sciences, shanghai jiao tong university,
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Cited by
High-entropy polymer produces a giant electrocaloric effect at low fields
X Qian, D Han, L Zheng, J Chen, M Tyagi, Q Li, F Du, S Zheng, X Huang, ...
Nature 600 (7890), 664-669, 2021
The dynamics of single protein molecules is non-equilibrium and self-similar over thirteen decades in time
X Hu, L Hong, M Dean Smith, T Neusius, X Cheng, JC Smith
Nature Physics 12 (2), 171-174, 2016
Dynamics of protein and its hydration water: neutron scattering studies on fully deuterated GFP
JD Nickels, H O’Neill, L Hong, M Tyagi, G Ehlers, KL Weiss, Q Zhang, Z Yi, ...
Biophysical journal 103 (7), 1566-1575, 2012
Dynamics of water bound to crystalline cellulose
H O’Neill, SV Pingali, L Petridis, J He, E Mamontov, L Hong, V Urban, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 11840, 2017
Pressure and density dependence of the boson peak in polymers
L Hong, B Begen, A Kisliuk, C Alba-Simionesco, VN Novikov, AP Sokolov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (13), 134201, 2008
Is there a connection between fragility of glass forming systems and dynamic heterogeneity/cooperativity?
L Hong, VN Novikov, AP Sokolov
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 357 (2), 351-356, 2011
Molecular cooperativity in the dynamics of glass-forming systems: A new insight
L Hong, PD Gujrati, VN Novikov, AP Sokolov
The Journal of chemical physics 131 (19), 2009
Three classes of motion in the dynamic neutron-scattering susceptibility of a globular protein
L Hong, N Smolin, B Lindner, AP Sokolov, JC Smith
Physical review letters 107 (14), 148102, 2011
Dynamic heterogeneities, boson peak, and activation volume in glass-forming liquids
L Hong, VN Novikov, AP Sokolov
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 83 (6 …, 2011
Gradual crossover from subdiffusion to normal diffusion: a many-body effect in protein surface water
P Tan, Y Liang, Q Xu, E Mamontov, J Li, X Xing, L Hong
Physical review letters 120 (24), 248101, 2018
Neutron scattering in the biological sciences: progress and prospects
R Ashkar, H Bilheux, H Bordallo, R Briber, DJE Callaway, X Cheng, ...
Acta Crystallographica Section D: Structural Biology 74 (12), 1129-1168, 2018
Amorphous anion-rich titanium polysulfides for aluminum-ion batteries
Z Lin, M Mao, C Yang, Y Tong, Q Li, J Yue, G Yang, Q Zhang, L Hong, ...
Science Advances 7 (35), eabg6314, 2021
Elastic and conformational softness of a globular protein
L Hong, D Glass, JC Smith, AP Sokolov, JD Nickels, S Perticaroli, Z Yi, ...
Biophysical Journal 104 (2), 59a, 2013
Structural and topological nature of plasticity in sheared granular materials
Y Cao, J Li, B Kou, C Xia, Z Li, R Chen, H Xie, T Xiao, W Kob, L Hong, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 2911, 2018
Entropic contribution to enhanced thermal stability in the thermostable P450 CYP119
Z Liu, S Lemmonds, J Huang, M Tyagi, L Hong, N Jain
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (43), E10049-E10058, 2018
Surface Hydration Amplifies Single-Well Protein Atom Diffusion Propagating<? format?> into the Macromolecular Core
L Hong, X Cheng, DC Glass, JC Smith
Physical review letters 108 (23), 238102, 2012
Why many polymers are so fragile: A new perspective
C Dalle-Ferrier, A Kisliuk, L Hong, G Carini, G D’Angelo, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 145 (15), 2016
Temperature-dependent dynamical transitions of different classes of amino acid residue in a globular protein
Y Miao, Z Yi, DC Glass, L Hong, M Tyagi, J Baudry, N Jain, JC Smith
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (48), 19576-19579, 2012
Experimental studies of vibrational modes in a two-dimensional amorphous solid
L Zhang, J Zheng, Y Wang, L Zhang, Z Jin, L Hong, Y Wang, J Zhang
Nature communications 8 (1), 67, 2017
de Gennes narrowing describes the relative motion of protein domains
L Hong, N Smolin, JC Smith
Physical review letters 112 (15), 158102, 2014
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Articles 1–20