David Adamson
David Adamson
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Turn on, tune in, drop out: Anticipating student dropouts in massive open online courses
D Yang, T Sinha, D Adamson, CP Rosé
Proceedings of the 2013 NIPS Data-driven education workshop 11, 14, 2013
Towards an agile approach to adapting dynamic collaboration support to student needs
D Adamson, G Dyke, H Jang, CP Rosé
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 24, 92-124, 2014
Towards academically productive talk supported by conversational agents
G Dyke, I Howley, D Adamson, R Kumar, CP Rosé
Productive multivocality in the analysis of group interactions, 459-476, 2013
Enhancing scientific reasoning and discussion with conversational agents
G Dyke, D Adamson, I Howley, CP Rosé
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 6 (3), 240-247, 2013
Question recommendation with constraints for massive open online courses
D Yang, D Adamson, CP Rosé
Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Recommender systems, 49-56, 2014
Formative essay feedback using predictive scoring models
B Woods, D Adamson, S Miel, E Mayfield
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge …, 2017
Modeling of stylistic variation in social media with stretchy patterns
P Gianfortoni, D Adamson, C Rose
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Algorithms and Resources for Modelling …, 2011
Hierarchical conversation structure prediction in multi-party chat
E Mayfield, D Adamson, C Rose
Proceedings of the 13th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on …, 2012
The impact of CSCL beyond the online environment
SN Clarke, G Chen, C Stainton, S Katz, JG Greeno, LB Resnick, G Dyke, ...
International Society of the Learning Sciences, 2013
Intensification of group knowledge exchange with academically productive talk agents
D Adamson, C Ashe, H Jang, D Yaron, CP Rosé
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported …, 2014
Coordinating multi-dimensional support in collaborative conversational agents
D Adamson, CP Rosé
Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 11th International Conference, ITS 2012 …, 2012
Group composition and intelligent dialogue tutors for impacting students’ academic self-efficacy
I Howley, D Adamson, G Dyke, E Mayfield, J Beuth, C Penstein Rosé
Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 11th International Conference, ITS 2012 …, 2012
Automatically generating discussion questions
D Adamson, D Bhartiya, B Gujral, R Kedia, A Singh, CP Rosé
Artificial Intelligence in Education: 16th International Conference, AIED …, 2013
Modeling the use of graffiti style features to signal social relations within a multi-domain learning paradigm
M Piergallini, AS Doğruöz, P Gadde, D Adamson, C Rose
Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the …, 2014
Method and system for automated essay scoring using nominal classification
EJ Mayfield, DS Adamson
US Patent App. 14/152,123, 2015
LightSide researcher’s workbench user manual
E Mayfield, D Adamson, CP Rosé
Retrieved November 12, 2015, 2014
‘Turn on, Tune in, Drop out
D Yang, T Sinha, D Adamson, CP Rose
Anticipating student dropouts in Massive Open Online Courses, 1-8, 2013
Toward automatic discourse parsing of student writing motivated by neural interpretation
J Fiacco, S Jiang, D Adamson, C Rose
Proceedings of the 17th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building …, 2022
Recognizing rare social phenomena in conversation: Empowerment detection in support group chatrooms
E Mayfield, D Adamson, C Rose
Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2013
Beyond automated essay scoring: Forecasting and improving outcomes in middle and high school writing
E Mayfield, D Adamson, B Woods, S Miel, S Butler, J Crivelli
Companion proceedings of the 8th international conference on learning …, 2018
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