Tianhao Zhang
Tianhao Zhang
General Electric
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Patch alignment for dimensionality reduction
T Zhang, D Tao, X Li, J Yang
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 21 (9), 1299-1313, 2008
White matter hyperintensities and imaging patterns of brain ageing in the general population
M Habes, G Erus, JB Toledo, T Zhang, N Bryan, LJ Launer, Y Rosseel, ...
Brain 139 (4), 1164-1179, 2016
Linear local tangent space alignment and application to face recognition
T Zhang, J Yang, D Zhao, X Ge
Neurocomputing 70 (7-9), 1547-1553, 2007
Discriminative locality alignment
T Zhang, D Tao, J Yang
Computer Vision–ECCV 2008: 10th European Conference on Computer Vision …, 2008
Gait recognition based on dynamic region analysis
X Yang, Y Zhou, T Zhang, G Shu, J Yang
Signal Processing 88 (9), 2350-2356, 2008
Heterogeneity of structural brain changes in subtypes of schizophrenia revealed using magnetic resonance imaging pattern analysis
T Zhang, N Koutsouleris, E Meisenzahl, C Davatzikos
Schizophrenia bulletin 41 (1), 74-84, 2015
Discriminative orthogonal neighborhood-preserving projections for classification
T Zhang, K Huang, X Li, J Yang, D Tao
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 40 …, 2009
Multimodal biometrics using geometry preserving projections
T Zhang, X Li, D Tao, J Yang
Pattern Recognition 41 (3), 805-813, 2008
Spatial patterns of structural brain changes in type 2 diabetic patients and their longitudinal progression with intensive control of blood glucose
G Erus, H Battapady, T Zhang, J Lovato, ME Miller, JD Williamson, ...
Diabetes care 38 (1), 97-104, 2015
ODVBA: Optimally-Discriminative Voxel-Based Analysis
T Zhang, C Davatzikos
Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on 30 (8), 1441 - 1454, 2011
A unifying framework for spectral analysis based dimensionality reduction
T Zhang, D Tao, X Li, T Yang
2008 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IEEE World …, 2008
Optimally-Discriminative Voxel-Based Morphometry significantly increases the ability to detect group differences in schizophrenia, mild cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer's …
T Zhang, C Davatzikos
Neuroimage 79, 94-110, 2013
Classification of multi-site MR images in the presence of heterogeneity using multi-task learning
Q Ma, T Zhang, MV Zanetti, H Shen, TD Satterthwaite, DH Wolf, RE Gur, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 19, 476-486, 2018
Effects of hormone therapy on brain volumes changes of postmenopausal women revealed by optimally-discriminative voxel-based morphometry
T Zhang, R Casanova, SM Resnick, JAE Manson, LD Baker, CB Padual, ...
PLoS One 11 (3), e0150834, 2016
Gabor phase based gait recognition
X Yang, Y Zhou, T Zhang, E Zheng, J Yang
Electronics Letters 44 (10), 620-621, 2008
Clinical findings in a multicenter MRI study of mild TBI
T Shetty, JT Nguyen, T Cogsil, AJ Tsiouris, SN Niogi, EU Kim, A Dalal, ...
Frontiers in neurology 9, 836, 2018
A folding analysis method for origami based on the frame with kinematic indeterminacy
T Zhang, K Kawaguchi, M Wu
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 146, 234-248, 2018
Maximum variance projections for face recognition
T Zhang, J Yang, H Wang, C Du, D Zhao
Optical engineering 46 (6), 067206-067206-8, 2007
Diagnostic potential of structural neuroimaging for depression from a multi-ethnic community sample
A Sankar, T Zhang, B Gaonkar, J Doshi, G Erus, SG Costafreda, ...
BJPsych open 2 (4), 247-254, 2016
Multimodal magnetic resonance imaging study of treatment-naïve adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
TM Chaim, T Zhang, MV Zanetti, MA Da Silva, MR Louza, J Doshi, ...
PLoS One 9 (10), e110199, 2014
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Articles 1–20