Thomas Planchon
Thomas Planchon
Delaware State University
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Cited by
Rapid three-dimensional isotropic imaging of living cells using Bessel beam plane illumination
TA Planchon, L Gao, DE Milkie, MW Davidson, JA Galbraith, CG Galbraith, ...
Nature methods 8 (5), 417-423, 2011
Ultra-high intensity-300-TW laser at 0.1 Hz repetition rate.
V Yanovsky, V Chvykov, G Kalinchenko, P Rousseau, T Planchon, ...
Optics Express 16 (3), 2109-2114, 2008
Generation and characterization of the highest laser intensities (1022 W/cm2)
SW Bahk, P Rousseau, TA Planchon, V Chvykov, G Kalintchenko, ...
Optics letters 29 (24), 2837-2839, 2004
Simultaneous imaging of multiple focal planes using a two-photon scanning microscope
W Amir, R Carriles, EE Hoover, TA Planchon, CG Durfee, JA Squier
Optics letters 32 (12), 1731-1733, 2007
Characterization of focal field formed by a large numerical aperture paraboloidal mirror and generation of ultra-high intensity (1022 W/cm2)
SW Bahk, P Rousseau, TA Planchon, V Chvykov, G Kalintchenko, ...
Applied Physics B 80, 823-832, 2005
High order harmonic generation optimization with an apertured laser beam
S Kazamias, F Weihe, D Douillet, C Valentin, T Planchon, S Sebban, ...
The European Physical Journal D-Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma …, 2002
Quantitative semi-automated analysis of morphogenesis with single-cell resolution in complex embryos
CA Giurumescu, S Kang, TA Planchon, E Betzig, J Bloomekatz, D Yelon, ...
Development 139 (22), 4271-4279, 2012
Simultaneous visualization of spatial and chromatic aberrations by two-dimensional Fourier transform spectral interferometry
W Amir, TA Planchon, CG Durfee, JA Squier, P Gabolde, R Trebino, ...
Optics letters 31 (19), 2927-2929, 2006
Adaptive wavefront correction on a 100-TW/10-Hz chirped pulse amplification laser and effect of residual wavefront on beam propagation
TA Planchon, JP Rousseau, F Burgy, G Chériaux, JP Chambaret
Optics Communications 252 (4-6), 222-228, 2005
ASE contrast improvement with a non-linear filtering Sagnac interferometer
A Renault, F Augé-Rochereau, T Planchon, P D’Oliveira, T Auguste, ...
Optics communications 248 (4-6), 535-541, 2005
Measurement of pump-induced transient lensing in a cryogenically-cooled high average power Ti: sapphire amplifier
TA Planchon, W Amir, C Childress, JA Squier, CG Durfee
Optics express 16 (23), 18557-18564, 2008
Temperature dependence of Ti: Sapphire fluorescence spectra for the design of cryogenic cooled Ti: Sapphire CPA laser
H Burton, C Debardelaben, W Amir, TA Planchon
Optics express 25 (6), 6954-6962, 2017
Characterization of coupled nonlinear spatiospectral phase following an ultrafast self-focusing interaction
DE Adams, TA Planchon, A Hrin, JA Squier, CG Durfee
Optics letters 34 (9), 1294-1296, 2009
Complete characterization of a spatiotemporal pulse shaper with two-dimensional Fourier transform spectral interferometry
W Amir, TA Planchon, CG Durfee, JA Squier
Optics letters 32 (8), 939-941, 2007
Off-axis aberration compensation of focusing with spherical mirrors using deformable mirrors
TA Planchon, P Mercere, G Cheriaux, JP Chambaret
Optics communications 216 (1-3), 25-31, 2003
Characterization of a high efficiency, ultrashort pulse shaper incorporating a reflective 4096-element spatial light modulator
JJ Field, TA Planchon, W Amir, CG Durfee, JA Squier
Optics communications 278 (2), 368-376, 2007
Experimental evidence of 25-fs laser pulse distortion in singlet beam expanders
TA Planchon, S Ferré, G Hamoniaux, G Chériaux, JP Chambaret
Optics letters 29 (19), 2300-2302, 2004
Spatiotemporal dynamics of cross-polarized wave generation
DE Adams, TA Planchon, JA Squier, CG Durfee
Optics letters 35 (7), 1115-1117, 2010
3D Modeling of amplification processes in CPA laser amplifiers
TA Planchon, F Burgy, JP Rousseau, JP Chambaret
Applied Physics B 80, 661-667, 2005
Adaptive correction of a tightly focused, high-intensity laser beam by use of a third-harmonic signal generated at an interface
TA Planchon, W Amir, JJ Field, CG Durfee, JA Squier, P Rousseau, ...
Optics letters 31 (14), 2214-2216, 2006
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Articles 1–20