Jennifer Kirwan
Jennifer Kirwan
Berlin Instiute of Health
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Metabolomics enables precision medicine:“a white paper, community perspective”
RD Beger, W Dunn, MA Schmidt, SS Gross, JA Kirwan, M Cascante, ...
Metabolomics 12, 1-15, 2016
Fumarate is cardioprotective via activation of the Nrf2 antioxidant pathway
H Ashrafian, G Czibik, M Bellahcene, D Aksentijević, AC Smith, ...
Cell metabolism 15 (3), 361-371, 2012
Characterising and correcting batch variation in an automated direct infusion mass spectrometry (DIMS) metabolomics workflow
JA Kirwan, DI Broadhurst, RL Davidson, MR Viant
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 405, 5147-5157, 2013
Direct infusion mass spectrometry metabolomics dataset: a benchmark for data processing and quality control
JA Kirwan, RJM Weber, DI Broadhurst, MR Viant
Scientific data 1 (1), 1-13, 2014
Preanalytical processing and biobanking procedures of biological samples for metabolomics research: A white paper, community perspective (for “Precision medicine and …
JA Kirwan, L Brennan, D Broadhurst, O Fiehn, M Cascante, WB Dunn, ...
Clinical Chemistry 64 (8), 1158-1182, 2018
Quality assurance and quality control reporting in untargeted metabolic phenotyping: mQACC recommendations for analytical quality management
JA Kirwan, H Gika, RD Beger, D Bearden, WB Dunn, R Goodacre, ...
Metabolomics 18 (9), 70, 2022
Comparison of modified Matyash method to conventional solvent systems for polar metabolite and lipid extractions
J Sostare, R Di Guida, J Kirwan, K Chalal, E Palmer, WB Dunn, MR Viant
Analytica chimica acta 1037, 301-315, 2018
for “Precision Medicine and Pharmacometabolomics Task Group”-Metabolomics Society Initiative. Metabolomics enables precision medicine:“A white paper, community perspective”
RD Beger, W Dunn, MA Schmidt, SS Gross, JA Kirwan, M Cascante, ...
Metabolomics 12 (10), 149, 2016
Biomarker discovery in animal health and disease: the application of post-genomic technologies
RE Moore, J Kirwan, MK Doherty, PD Whitfield
Biomarker insights 2, 117727190700200040, 2007
Deep learning-assisted peak curation for large-scale LC-MS metabolomics
Y Gloaguen, JA Kirwan, D Beule
Analytical chemistry 94 (12), 4930-4937, 2022
Toxicological effect of single contaminants and contaminant mixtures associated with plant ingredients in novel salmon feeds
L Søfteland, JA Kirwan, TSF Hori, TR Størseth, U Sommer, ...
Food and Chemical Toxicology 73, 157-174, 2014
SorCS2 controls functional expression of amino acid transporter EAAT3 and protects neurons from oxidative stress and epilepsy-induced pathology
AR Malik, K Szydlowska, K Nizinska, A Asaro, EA van Vliet, O Popp, ...
Cell reports 26 (10), 2792-2804. e6, 2019
Untargeted metabolomic analysis and pathway discovery in perinatal asphyxia and hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy
NM Denihan, JA Kirwan, BH Walsh, WB Dunn, DI Broadhurst, GB Boylan, ...
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 39 (1), 147-162, 2019
Lipid metabolite biomarkers in cardiovascular disease: Discovery and biomechanism translation from human studies
P McGranaghan, JA Kirwan, MA Garcia-Rivera, B Pieske, F Edelmann, ...
Metabolites 11 (9), 621, 2021
Predicting chronic copper and nickel reproductive toxicity to Daphnia pulex-pulicaria from whole-animal metabolic profiles
NS Taylor, JA Kirwan, C Johnson, ND Yan, MR Viant, JM Gunn, ...
Environmental Pollution 212, 325-329, 2016
Inflammation in children with CKD linked to gut dysbiosis and metabolite imbalance
J Holle, H Bartolomaeus, U Löber, F Behrens, TUP Bartolomaeus, ...
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 33 (12), 2259-2275, 2022
Sex-specific metabolic and functional differences in human umbilical vein endothelial cells from twin pairs
M Lorenz, B Blaschke, A Benn, E Hammer, E Witt, J Kirwan, ...
Atherosclerosis 291, 99-106, 2019
Parasites and their control in South American camelids in the United Kingdom.
SA Tait, JA Kirwan, CJ Fair, GC Coles, KA Stafford
Quantifying the impact of gut microbiota on inflammation and hypertensive organ damage
EG Avery, H Bartolomaeus, A Rauch, CY Chen, G N’Diaye, U Löber, ...
Cardiovascular research 119 (6), 1441-1452, 2023
Concepts and Software Package for Efficient Quality Control in Targeted Metabolomics Studies: MeTaQuaC
D Kuhring, Mathias, Eisenberger, Alina, Schmidt, Vanessa, Kränkel, Nicolle ...
Analytical Chemistry 92 (15), 10241–10245, 2020
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