Vladimir Malinovsky
Vladimir Malinovsky
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Principles of laser spectroscopy and quantum optics
PR Berman, VS Malinovsky
Princeton University Press, 2011
General theory of population transfer by adiabatic rapid passage with intense, chirped laser pulses
VS Malinovsky, JL Krause
The European Physical Journal D-Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma …, 2001
Simple and robust extension of the stimulated Raman adiabatic passage technique to N-level systems
VS Malinovsky, DJ Tannor
Physical Review A 56 (6), 4929, 1997
Coherent population transfer of ground-state atoms into Rydberg states
T Cubel, BK Teo, VS Malinovsky, JR Guest, A Reinhard, B Knuffman, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 72 (2), 023405, 2005
Quantum phase control of entanglement
VS Malinovsky, IR Sola
Physical review letters 93 (19), 190502, 2004
Selective excitation of vibrational states by shaping of light-induced potentials
IR Solá, BY Chang, J Santamaría, VS Malinovsky, JL Krause
Physical Review Letters 85 (20), 4241, 2000
Optimal pulse sequences for population transfer in multilevel systems
IR Solá, VS Malinovsky, DJ Tannor
Physical Review A 60 (4), 3081, 1999
Efficiency and robustness of coherent population transfer with intense, chirped laser pulses
VS Malinovsky, JL Krause
Physical Review A 63 (4), 043415, 2001
Efficiency and robustness of adiabatic passage by light-induced potentials
IR Solá, J Santamaría, VS Malinovsky
Physical Review A 61 (4), 043413, 2000
Coherent population transfer in three-level systems by chirped laser pulses: Minimization of the intermediate-level population
IR Solá, VS Malinovsky, BY Chang, J Santamaria, K Bergmann
Physical Review A 59 (6), 4494, 1999
Optical paralysis in electronically congested systems: application to large-amplitude vibrational motion of ground state Na2
VS Malinovsky, C Meier, DJ Tannor
Chemical physics 221 (1-2), 67-76, 1997
Chirped-pulse adiabatic control in coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering for imaging of biological structure and dynamics
SA Malinovskaya, VS Malinovsky
Optics letters 32 (6), 707-709, 2007
Demonstration of diamond nuclear spin gyroscope
A Jarmola, S Lourette, VM Acosta, AG Birdwell, P Blümler, D Budker, ...
Science advances 7 (43), eabl3840, 2021
Quantum control of spin–orbit coupling by dynamic Stark-shifts induced by laser fields
J González-Vázquez, IR Sola, J Santamaria, VS Malinovsky
Chemical physics letters 431 (4-6), 231-235, 2006
Entanglement swapping of two arbitrarily degraded entangled states
BT Kirby, S Santra, VS Malinovsky, M Brodsky
Physical Review A 94 (1), 012336, 2016
Phase-controlled collapse and revival of entanglement of two interacting qubits
VS Malinovsky, IR Sola
Physical review letters 96 (5), 050502, 2006
Transferring vibrational population between electronic states of diatomic molecules via light-induced-potential shaping
BY Chang, IR Sola, J Santamarıa, VS Malinovsky, JL Krause
The Journal of Chemical Physics 114 (20), 8820-8830, 2001
Selective excitation of diatomic molecules by chirped laser pulses
BY Chang, IR Solá, VS Malinovsky, J Santamarıa
The Journal of Chemical Physics 113 (12), 4901-4911, 2000
Quantum control in multilevel systems
IR Sola, BY Chang, SA Malinovskaya, VS Malinovsky
Advances In Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 67, 151-256, 2018
Quantum control of entanglement by phase manipulation of time-delayed pulse sequences. I
VS Malinovsky, IR Sola
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 70 (4), 042304, 2004
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Articles 1–20