Titas Gertus
Titas Gertus
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Radially polarized optical vortex converter created by femtosecond laser nanostructuring of glass
M Beresna, M Gecevičius, PG Kazansky, T Gertus
Applied Physics Letters 98 (20), 2011
Signatures of light-beam spatial filtering in a three-dimensional photonic crystal
L Maigyte, T Gertus, M Peckus, J Trull, C Cojocaru, V Sirutkaitis, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 82 (4), 043819, 2010
Fabrication of micro-tube arrays in photopolymer SZ2080 by using three different methods of a direct laser polymerization technique
E Stankevicius, T Gertus, M Rutkauskas, M Gedvilas, G Raciukaitis, ...
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 22 (6), 065022, 2012
Toward the generation of broadband optical vortices: extending the spectral range of a q-plate by polarization-selective filtering
M Gecevicius, M Ivanov, M Beresna, A Matijosius, V Tamuliene, T Gertus, ...
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 35 (1), 190-196, 2017
Vector beams with parabolic and elliptic cross-sections for laser material processing applications
S Orlov, V Vosylius, P Gotovski, A Grabusovas, J Baltrukonis, T Gertus
arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.02755, 2023
Formation of optical vortices with topological charge| l|= 1 and| l|= 1/2 by use of the s-waveplate
A Matijosˇius, P Stanislovaitis, T Gertus, V Smilgevicˇius
Optics Communications 324, 1-9, 2014
Laguerre-Gaussian quasi-modal q-plates from nanostructured glasses
M Rafayelyan, T Gertus, E Brasselet
Applied Physics Letters 110 (26), 2017
Depolarization compensation with a spatially variable wave plate in a 116 W, 441 fs, 1 MHz Yb: YAG double-pass laser amplifier
L Veselis, R Burokas, O Ulčinas, T Gertus, K Michailovas, A Michailovas
Applied Optics 60 (24), 7164-7171, 2021
Three‐Dimensional Modeling of the Heat‐Affected Zone in Laser Machining Applications
M Beresna, T Gertus, R Tomašiūnas, H Misawa, S Juodkazis
Laser Chemistry 2008 (1), 976205, 2008
Laser beam shape converter using spatially variable waveplate made by nanogratings inscription in fused silica
T Gertus, A Michailovas, K Michailovas, V Petrauskienė
Laser Resonators, Microresonators, and Beam Control XVII 9343, 319-329, 2015
Formation of optical needles by Pancharatnam-Berry phase element for laser-induced modifications in transparent materials
P Gotovski, P Šlevas, E Nacius, V Jukna, S Orlov, J Baltrukonis, O Ulčinas, ...
Laser-based Micro-and Nanoprocessing XIV 11268, 357-365, 2020
Implementation of a SVWP-based laser beam shaping technique for generation of 100-mJ-level picosecond pulses
J Adamonis, A Aleknavičius, K Michailovas, S Balickas, V Petrauskienė, ...
Applied optics 55 (28), 8007-8015, 2016
Laser two-photon polymerization micro-and nanostructuring over a large area on various substrates
M Malinauskas, V Purlys, A Žukauskas, G Bickauskaite, T Gertus, ...
Biophotonics: Photonic Solutions for Better Health Care II 7715, 255-266, 2010
Influence of laser microfabrication on silicon electrochemical behavior in HF solution
K Juodkazis, J Juodkazytė, P Kalinauskas, T Gertus, E Jelmakas, ...
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 14, 797-802, 2010
Laser-micro/nanofabricated 3D polymers for tissue engineering applications
P Danilevičius, A Žukauskas, G Bičkauskaitė, V Purlys, M Rutkauskas, ...
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences 48 (2), 32-43, 2011
Vector Mathieu beam profile engineering for laser material processing applications
A Grabusovas, V Vosylius, T Gertus, S Orlov
Procedia CIRP 74, 598-601, 2018
Generation of radially polarized beams and higher order polarization singularities by optical parametric amplification of optical vortices
P Stanislovaitis, M Ivanov, A Matijošius, V Smilgevičius, T Gertus
Optical Engineering 56 (9), 095101-095101, 2017
Dielectric materials volume and surface processing using femtosecond vortex beam
T Gertus, M Mikutis, V Smilgevičius
Physics Procedia 12, 94-98, 2011
Surface acoustic wave transducers fabricated by femtosecond laser ablation
T Gertus, P Každailis, R Rimeika, D Čiplys, V Smilgevičius
Electronics Letters 46 (17), 1175-1176, 2010
Design of efficient Gauss to top-hat converters using geometrical phase elements inscribed in the glass by femtosecond laser pulses
P Gotovski, P Šlevas, E Nacius, V Jukna, S Orlov, O Ulcinas, J Baltrukonis, ...
Laser Resonators, Microresonators, and Beam Control XXII 11266, 232-241, 2020
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