Eduardo A. B. da Silva
Cited by
Cited by
A survey on performance metrics for object-detection algorithms
R Padilla, SL Netto, EAB Da Silva
2020 international conference on systems, signals and image processing …, 2020
Digital signal processing: system analysis and design
PSR Diniz, EAB Da Silva, SL Netto
Cambridge University Press, 2010
A comparative analysis of object detection metrics with a companion open-source toolkit
R Padilla, WL Passos, TLB Dias, SL Netto, EAB Da Silva
Electronics 10 (3), 279, 2021
No-reference blur assessment of digital pictures based on multifeature classifiers
A Ciancio, EAB da Silva, A Said, R Samadani, P Obrador
IEEE Transactions on image processing 20 (1), 64-75, 2010
Processamento digital de sinais-: Projeto e análise de sistemas
PSR Diniz, EAB da Silva, SL Netto
Bookman Editora, 2014
The compression of electric signal waveforms for smart grids: State of the art and future trends
MP Tcheou, L Lovisolo, MV Ribeiro, EAB Da Silva, MAM Rodrigues, ...
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 5 (1), 291-302, 2013
A successive approximation vector quantizer for wavelet transform image coding
EAB Da Silva, DG Sampson, M Ghanbari
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 5 (2), 299-310, 1996
Multiscale image fusion using the undecimated wavelet transform with spectral factorization and nonorthogonal filter banks
A Ellmauthaler, CL Pagliari, EAB Da Silva
IEEE Transactions on image processing 22 (3), 1005-1017, 2012
Light field HEVC-based image coding using locally linear embedding and self-similarity compensated prediction
R Monteiro, L Lucas, C Conti, P Nunes, N Rodrigues, S Faria, C Pagliari, ...
2016 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops (ICMEW), 1-4, 2016
On the performance of linear phase wavelet transforms in low bit-rate image coding
EAB da Silva, M Ghanbari
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 5 (5), 689-704, 1996
Efficient coherent adaptive representations of monitored electric signals in power systems using damped sinusoids
L Lovisolo, EAB da Silva, MAM Rodrigues, PSR Diniz
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 53 (10), 3831-3846, 2005
Improved similarity-based modeling for the classification of rotating-machine failures
MA Marins, FML Ribeiro, SL Netto, EAB Da Silva
Journal of the Franklin Institute 355 (4), 1913-1930, 2018
Multidimensional signal compression using multiscale recurrent patterns
MB De Carvalho, EAB Da Silva, WA Finamore
Signal processing 82 (11), 1559-1580, 2002
Fault detection and classification in oil wells and production/service lines using random forest
MA Marins, BD Barros, IH Santos, DC Barrionuevo, REV Vargas, ...
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 197, 107879, 2021
Uniform distribution of points on a hyper-sphere with applications to vector bit-plane encoding
L Lovisolo, EAB Da Silva
IEE Proceedings-Vision, Image and Signal Processing 148 (3), 187-193, 2001
A 4D DCT-based lenslet light field codec
MB de Carvalho, MP Pereira, G Alves, EAB da Silva, CL Pagliari, ...
2018 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 435-439, 2018
Locally linear embedding-based prediction for 3D holoscopic image coding using HEVC
LFR Lucas, C Conti, P Nunes, LD Soares, NMM Rodrigues, CL Pagliari, ...
2014 22nd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 11-15, 2014
On dictionary adaptation for recurrent pattern image coding
NMM Rodrigues, EAB da Silva, MB de Carvalho, SMM de Faria, ...
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 17 (9), 1640-1653, 2008
On the empirical rate-distortion performance of compressive sensing
A Schulz, L Velho, EAB Da Silva
2009 16th IEEE international conference on image processing (ICIP), 3049-3052, 2009
A novel iterative calibration approach for thermal infrared cameras
A Ellmauthaler, EAB da Silva, CL Pagliari, JN Gois, SR Neves
2013 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2182-2186, 2013
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Articles 1–20