Stefan Radl
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Cited by
A drag model for filtered Euler–Lagrange simulations of clustered gas–particle suspensions
S Radl, S Sundaresan
Chemical engineering science 117, 416-425, 2014
Mixing characteristics of wet granular matter in a bladed mixer
S Radl, E Kalvoda, BJ Glasser, JG Khinast
Powder Technology 200 (3), 171-189, 2010
Continuously seeded, continuously operated tubular crystallizer for the production of active pharmaceutical ingredients
RJP Eder, S Radl, E Schmitt, S Innerhofer, M Maier, H Gruber-Woelfler, ...
Crystal growth & design 10 (5), 2247-2257, 2010
DEM simulation of continuous tablet coating: Effects of tablet shape and fill level on inter-tablet coating variability
D Suzzi, G Toschkoff, S Radl, D Machold, SD Fraser, BJ Glasser, ...
Chemical Engineering Science 69 (1), 107-121, 2012
Seed loading effects on the mean crystal size of acetylsalicylic acid in a continuous‐flow crystallization device
RJP Eder, EK Schmitt, J Grill, S Radl, H Gruber‐Woelfler, JG Khinast
Crystal research and technology 46 (3), 227-237, 2011
Local analysis of the tablet coating process: Impact of operation conditions on film quality
D Suzzi, S Radl, JG Khinast
Chemical Engineering Science 65 (21), 5699-5715, 2010
Fluid and particle coarsening of drag force for discrete-parcel approach
A Ozel, J Kolehmainen, S Radl, S Sundaresan
Chemical engineering science 155, 258-267, 2016
Heat transfer to a gas from densely packed beds of monodisperse spherical particles
A Singhal, S Cloete, S Radl, R Quinta-Ferreira, S Amini
Chemical Engineering Journal 314, 27-37, 2017
Unexpected trapping of particles at a T junction
D Vigolo, S Radl, HA Stone
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (13), 4770-4775, 2014
Parcel-based approach for the simulation of gas-particle flows
S Radl, C Radeke, JG Khinast, S Sundaresan
8th international conference on CFD in oil & gas, metallurgical and process …, 2011
Continuous quantitative monitoring of powder mixing dynamics by near-infrared spectroscopy
DM Koller, A Posch, G Hörl, C Voura, S Radl, N Urbanetz, SD Fraser, ...
Powder technology 205 (1-3), 87-96, 2011
Development and verification of anisotropic drag closures for filtered Two Fluid Models
JH Cloete, S Cloete, F Municchi, S Radl, S Amini
Chemical Engineering Science 192, 930-954, 2018
Simulating wet gas–solid fluidized beds using coarse-grid CFD-DEM
M Girardi, S Radl, S Sundaresan
Chemical Engineering Science 144, 224-238, 2016
Heat transfer to a gas from densely packed beds of cylindrical particles
A Singhal, S Cloete, S Radl, R Quinta-Ferreira, S Amini
Chemical Engineering Science 172, 1-12, 2017
Flow and mass transfer of fully resolved bubbles in non‐Newtonian fluids
S Radl, G Tryggvason, JG Khinast
AIChE journal 53 (7), 1861-1878, 2007
Consistent closures for Euler-Lagrange models of bi-disperse gas-particle suspensions derived from particle-resolved direct numerical simulations
F Municchi, S Radl
International journal of heat and mass transfer 111, 171-190, 2017
Coarse graining Euler-Lagrange simulations of cohesive particle fluidization
J Tausendschön, J Kolehmainen, S Sundaresan, S Radl
Powder Technology 364, 167-182, 2020
Effect of blade angle and particle size on powder mixing performance in a rectangular box
MS Siraj, S Radl, BJ Glasser, JG Khinast
Powder Technology 211 (1), 100-113, 2011
DNS-based prediction of the selectivity of fast multiphase reactions: Hydrogenation of nitroarenes
S Radl, A Koynov, G Tryggvason, JG Khinast
Chemical engineering science 63 (12), 3279-3291, 2008
On the choice of closure complexity in anisotropic drag closures for filtered two fluid models
JH Cloete, S Cloete, S Radl, S Amini
Chemical Engineering Science 207, 379-396, 2019
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Articles 1–20