Dr S K Rout
Dr S K Rout
Professor, Department of Physics, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra
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Influence of fibre-surface treatment on structural, thermal and mechanical properties of jute fibre and its composite
E Sinha, SK Rout
Bulletin of materials science 32 (1), 65-76, 2009
Characterization and Rietveld Refinement of A-site deficient Lanthanum doped Barium Titanate
M Ganguly, SK Rout, TP Sinha, SK Sharma, HY Park, CW Ahn, IW Kim
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 579, 473-484, 2013
Structural refinement, optical and microwave dielectric properties of BaZrO< sub> 3</sub>
S Parida, SK Rout, LS Cavalcante, E Sinha, MS Li, V Subramanian, ...
Ceramics International 38 (3), 2129-2138, 2012
Optical and dielectric relaxor behaviour of Ba (Zr0. 25Ti0. 75) O3 ceramic explained by means of distorted clusters
T Badapanda, SK Rout, LS Cavalcante, JC Sczancoski, S Panigrahi, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42 (17), 175414, 2009
Impedance spectroscopy and morphology of SrBi4Ti4O15 ceramics prepared by soft chemical method
SK Rout, A Hussian, JS Lee, IW Kim, SI Woo
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 477 (1-2), 706-711, 2009
Rietveld refinement, microstructure, conductivity and impedance properties of Ba [Zr0.25Ti0.75] O3 ceramic
T Badapanda, V Senthil, SK Rout, LS Cavalcante, AZ Simões, TP Sinha, ...
Current Applied Physics 11 (6), 1282-1293, 2011
Influence of fibre-surface treatment on structural, thermal and mechanical properties of jute
E Sinha, SK Rout
Journal of Materials Science 43 (8), 2590-2601, 2008
Structure and optical properties of [Ba 1–x Y 2x/3](Zr 0.25 Ti 0.75) O 3 powders
JC Sczancoski, LS Cavalcante, T Badapanda, SK Rout, S Panigrahi, ...
Solid State Sciences 12 (7), 1160-1167, 2010
Structural and microwave characterization of Ni 0.2 Co x Zn 0.8− x Fe 2 O 4 for antenna applications
K Mohit, VR Gupta, N Gupta, SK Rout
Ceramics International 40 (1), 1575-1586, 2014
Structure, microstructure and dielectric properties of 100− x (Bi0. 5Na0. 5) TiO3− x [SrTiO3] composites ceramics
B Parija, SK Rout, LS Cavalcante, AZ Simões, S Panigrahi, E Longo, ...
Applied Physics A 109 (3), 715-723, 2012
On the formation mechanism of BaTiO< sub> 3</sub>–BaZrO< sub> 3</sub> solid solution through solid-oxide reaction
J Bera, SK Rout
Materials Letters 59 (1), 135-138, 2005
Phase formation and dielectric study of Bi doped BaTi0.75Zr0.25O3 ceramic
T Badapanda, SK Rout, S Panigrahi, TP Sinha
Current Applied Physics 9 (4), 727-731, 2009
Dielectric relaxation on Ba1-xBi2x/3Zr0. 25Ti0. 75O3 ceramic
T Badapanda, V Senthil, SK Rout, S Panigrahi, TP Sinha
Materials Chemistry and Physics 133 (2-3), 863-870, 2012
Characterization of A-site deficient samarium doped barium titanate
M Ganguly, SK Rout, WS Woo, CW Ahn, IW Kim
Physica B: Condensed Matter 411, 26-34, 2013
Structural, microwave dielectric properties and dielectric resonator antenna studies of Sr (ZrxTi1− x) O3 ceramics
S Parida, SK Rout, V Subramanian, PK Barhai, N Gupta, VR Gupta
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 528, 126-134, 2012
Structural, optical and microwave dielectric properties of Sr 1− x Ca x WO 4 ceramics prepared by the solid state reaction route
N Khobragade, E Sinha, SK Rout, M Kar
Ceramics International 39 (8), 9627-9635, 2013
Dielectric properties and diffuse phase transition in Ba1− xMg xTi 0.6 Zr 0.4 O 3 solid solutions
SK Rout, E Sinha, S Panigrahi
Materials chemistry and physics 101 (2), 428-432, 2007
Effect of hot press temperature on β-phase, dielectric and ferroelectric properties of solvent casted Poly (vinyledene fluoride) films
SP Muduli, S Parida, SK Rout, S Rajput, M Kar
Materials Research Express 6 (9), 095306, 2019
Morphotropic phase boundary and electrical properties of 1− x [Bi0. 5Na0. 5] TiO3–xBa [Zr0. 25Ti0. 75] O3 lead-free piezoelectric ceramics
B Parija, T Badapanda, SK Rout, LS Cavalcante, S Panigrahi, E Longo, ...
Ceramics International 39 (5), 4877-4886, 2013
Structural, electrical and optical properties of boron doped ZnO thin films using LSMCD method at room temperature
G Kim, J Bang, Y Kim, SK Rout, SI Woo
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing 97 (4), 821-828, 2009
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Articles 1–20