Jorge Augusto Otálora Arias
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Cited by
Advances in magnetics roadmap on spin-wave computing
AV Chumak, P Kabos, M Wu, C Abert, C Adelmann, AO Adeyeye, ...
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 58 (6), 1-72, 2022
Curvature-induced asymmetric spin-wave dispersion
JA Otálora, M Yan, H Schultheiss, R Hertel, A Kákay
Physical review letters 117 (22), 227203, 2016
Chirality switching and propagation control of a vortex domain wall in ferromagnetic nanotubes
JA Otálora, JA López-López, P Vargas, P Landeros
Applied Physics Letters 100 (7), 2012
Asymmetric spin-wave dispersion in ferromagnetic nanotubes induced by surface curvature
JA Otálora, M Yan, H Schultheiss, R Hertel, A Kákay
Physical Review B 95 (18), 184415, 2017
Breaking of chiral symmetry in vortex domain wall propagation in ferromagnetic nanotubes
JA Otálora, JA López-López, P Landeros, P Vargas, AS Núńez
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 341, 86-92, 2013
Domain wall manipulation in magnetic nanotubes induced by electric current pulses
JA Otálora, JA López-López, AS Núńez, P Landeros
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24 (43), 436007, 2012
Nonreciprocity of spin waves in magnetic nanotubes with helical equilibrium magnetization
MM Salazar-Cardona, L Körber, H Schultheiss, K Lenz, A Thomas, ...
Applied Physics Letters 118 (26), 2021
Hyperthermia in low aspect-ratio magnetic nanotubes for biomedical applications
DF Gutierrez-Guzman, LI Lizardi, JA Otálora, P Landeros
Applied Physics Letters 110 (13), 2017
Symmetry and curvature effects on spin waves in vortex-state hexagonal nanotubes
L Körber, M Zimmermann, S Wintz, S Finizio, M Kronseder, D Bougeard, ...
Physical Review B 104 (18), 184429, 2021
Oersted field assisted magnetization reversal in cylindrical core-shell nanostructures
JA Otálora, D Cortés-Ortuńo, D Görlitz, K Nielsch, P Landeros
Journal of Applied Physics 117 (17), 2015
Frequency linewidth and decay length of spin waves in curved magnetic membranes
JA Otálora, A Kákay, J Lindner, H Schultheiss, A Thomas, J Fassbender, ...
Physical Review B 98 (1), 014403, 2018
Curvilinear spin-wave dynamics beyond the thin-shell approximation: Magnetic nanotubes as a case study
L Körber, R Verba, JA Otálora, V Kravchuk, J Lindner, J Fassbender, ...
Physical Review B 106 (1), 014405, 2022
A platform for nanomagnetism–assembled ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic dipolar tubes
I Stanković, M Dašić, JA Otálora, C García
Nanoscale 11 (5), 2521-2535, 2019
Fano‐Andreev and Fano‐Majorana Correspondence in Quantum Dot Hybrid Structures
AM Calle, M Pacheco, PA Orellana, JA Otálora
Annalen der Physik 532 (4), 1900409, 2020
Self-assembly as a tool to study microscale curvature and strain-dependent magnetic properties
B Singh, JA Otálora, TH Kang, I Soldatov, DD Karnaushenko, C Becker, ...
npj Flexible Electronics 6 (1), 76, 2022
Experimental observation of the curvature-induced asymmetric spin-wave dispersion in hexagonal nanotubes
L Körber, M Zimmermann, S Wintz, S Finizio, M Weigand, J Raabe, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.02238, 2020
Diseńo de un sistema de bajo costo para la Automatización de medidas en experimentos de Física.“LabGICM”
L Reyes, B Buitrago, A Velasquez, J Tobón, J Lopez, J Otálora
Revista Colombiana de Física 38 (2), 2006
Tubular Geometries
P Landeros, JA Otálora, R Streubel, A Kákay
Curvilinear Micromagnetism: From Fundamentals to Applications, 163-213, 2022
Ferromagnetic resonance of a magnetic particle using the Landau–Lifshitz–Bloch equation
JS Urquijo, JA Otálora, OJ Suarez
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 552, 169182, 2022
Majorana Bound States Hallmarks in a Quantum Topological Interferometer Ring
AM Calle, PA Orellana, JA Otálora
Annalen der Physik 533 (8), 2100040, 2021
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Articles 1–20