Sergiy Bogatyrenko
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Поверхностные явления и фазовые превращения в конденсированных пленках
НТ Гладких, СВ Дукаров, АП Кришталь, ВИ Ларин, ВН Сухов, ...
ХНУ имени ВН Каразина, 2004
Melting point lowering of thin metal films (Me= In, Sn, Bi, Pb) in Al/Me/Al film system
NT Gladkikh, SI Bogatyrenko, AP Kryshtal, R Anton
Applied surface science 219 (3-4), 338-346, 2003
Preparation, structure, and a coarse-grained molecular dynamics model for dodecanethiol-stabilized gold nanoparticles
A Kyrychenko, GV Karpushina, SI Bogatyrenko, AP Kryshtal, ...
Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 977 (1-3), 34-39, 2011
Fluorescence probing of thiol-functionalized gold nanoparticles: is alkylthiol coating of a nanoparticle as hydrophobic as expected?
A Kyrychenko, GV Karpushina, D Svechkarev, D Kolodezny, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (39), 21059-21068, 2012
The kinetics of the formation of a solid solution in an Ag–Pd polycrystalline film system
AP Kryshtal, SI Bogatyrenko, RV Sukhov, AA Minenkov
Applied Physics A 116, 1891-1896, 2014
Melting process and the size depression of the eutectic temperature in Ag/Ge and Ge/Ag/Ge layered films
A Kryshtal, A Minenkov, S Bogatyrenko, A Gruszczyński
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 786, 817-825, 2019
Thermal expansion coefficients of Ag, Cu and diamond nanoparticles: In situ TEM diffraction and EELS measurements
S Bogatyrenko, A Kryshtal
Materials Characterization 178, 111296, 2021
Size dependence of the activation energy of diffusion in multilayer Cu-Ni films
AA Minenkov, SI Bogatyrenko, RV Sukhov, AP Kryshtal
Physics of the Solid State 56, 823-826, 2014
Melting temperature of nanoparticles and the energy of vacancy formation in them
NT Gladkikh, AP Kryshtal, SI Bogatyrenko
Technical Physics 55 (11), 1657-1660, 2010
Surface phenomena and phase transformations in condensed films
NT Gladkikh, SV Dukarov, AP Kryshtal, VI Larin, VN Sukhov, ...
Karazin National University, Kharkov, 276, 2004
Effect of size on phase transformation temperatures in Ge/Bi/Ge films
AA Minenkov, AP Kryshtal, SI Bogatyrenko
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 756, 50-56, 2018
Supercooling upon crystallization in layered Al/Bi/Al film system
SI Bogatyrenko, AV Voznyi, NT Gladkikh, AP Kryshtal
The Physics of Metals and Metallography 97 (3), 273-281, 2004
Miscibility gap narrowing on the phase diagram of AuNi nanoparticles
S Bogatyrenko, A Kryshtal, A Minenkov, A Kruk
Scripta Materialia 170, 57-61, 2019
Piezoquartz resonator as an in situ method for studying the phase transitions in thin metal and alloy films
MM Kolendovskii, SI Bogatyrenko, AP Kryshtal, NT Gladkikh
Technical Physics 57, 849-855, 2012
Diffusion in nanodisperse layered film systems
SI Bogatyrenko, NT Gladkikh, AP Kryshtal’, AL Samsonik, VN Sukhov
The Physics of Metals and Metallography 109, 255-260, 2010
Supercooling under crystallization of Bi-Sn eutectic alloy in contact with Bi, Sn and amorphous C
SI Bogatyrenko, AA Minenkov, AP Kryshtal
Vacuum 152, 1-7, 2018
Aluminium surface morphology behaviour under high-flux helium ion bombardment
O Girka, O Bizyukov, S Bogatyrenko, I Bizyukov
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2017
Determination of solid state solubility of the components in the Ag-Ge film system
AA Minenkov, SI Bogatyrenko, AP Kryshtal
J. Nano-Electron. Phys. 6 (4), 04026, 2014
Formation of the solid solutions in the Au-Ni film system: In situ TEM study
SI Bogatyrenko
Technical Physics 59 (9), 1374-1377, 2014
Температура плавления наночастиц и энергия образования вакансий в них
НТ Гладких, АП Крышталь, СИ Богатыренко
Журнал технической физики 80 (11), 111-114, 2010
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Articles 1–20