Andrej Ceglar
Andrej Ceglar
Climate scientist, European Central Bank
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Wheat yield loss attributable to heat waves, drought and water excess at the global, national and subnational scales
M Zampieri, A Ceglar, F Dentener, A Toreti
Environmental Research Letters 12 (6), 064008, 2017
Impact of meteorological drivers on regional inter-annual crop yield variability in France
A Ceglar, A Toreti, R Lecerf, M Van der Velde, F Dentener
Agricultural and forest meteorology 216, 58-67, 2016
The exceptional 2018 European water seesaw calls for action on adaptation
A Toreti, A Belward, I Perez‐Dominguez, G Naumann, J Luterbacher, ...
Earth's Future 7 (6), 652-663, 2019
Mapping and assessment of ecosystems and their services: an EU wide ecosystem assessment in support of the EU biodiversity strategy
J Maes, A Teller, M Erhard, S Conde, S Vallecillo, JI Barredo, ...
EUR, 2020
Detecting flowering phenology in oil seed rape parcels with Sentinel-1 and-2 time series
R d’Andrimont, M Taymans, G Lemoine, A Ceglar, M Yordanov, ...
Remote sensing of environment 239, 111660, 2020
Observed northward migration of agro‐climate zones in Europe will further accelerate under climate change
A Ceglar, M Zampieri, A Toreti, F Dentener
Earth's Future 7 (9), 1088-1101, 2019
Assessing the information in crop model and meteorological indicators to forecast crop yield over Europe
R Lecerf, A Ceglar, R López-Lozano, M Van Der Velde, B Baruth
Agricultural systems 168, 191-202, 2019
Narrowing uncertainties in the effects of elevated CO2 on crops
A Toreti, D Deryng, FN Tubiello, C Müller, BA Kimball, G Moser, K Boote, ...
Nature Food 1 (12), 775-782, 2020
The simulation of phenological development in dynamic crop model: The Bayesian comparison of different methods
A Ceglar, Z Črepinšek, L Kajfež-Bogataj, T Pogačar
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151 (1), 101-115, 2011
Climate change impacts and adaptation in Europe. JRC PESETA IV final report
L Feyen, JC Ciscar Martinez, S Gosling, D Ibarreta Ruiz, A Soria Ramirez, ...
Joint Research Centre (Seville site), 2020
Improving WOFOST model to simulate winter wheat phenology in Europe: Evaluation and effects on yield
A Ceglar, R Van der Wijngaart, A De Wit, R Lecerf, H Boogaard, L Seguini, ...
Agricultural Systems 168, 168-180, 2019
When will current climate extremes affecting maize production become the norm?
M Zampieri, A Ceglar, F Dentener, A Dosio, G Naumann, M Van Den Berg, ...
Earth's Future 7 (2), 113-122, 2019
Climate impacts in Europe: Final report of the JRC PESETA III project
JC Ciscar, D Ibarreta, A Soria, A Dosio, A Toreti, A Ceglar, D Fumagalli, ...
Publications Office of the European Union), JRC Science for Policy Report …, 2018
Simulation of maize yield in current and changed climatic conditions: addressing modelling uncertainties and the importance of bias correction in climate model simulations
A Ceglar, L Kajfež-Bogataj
European Journal of agronomy 37 (1), 83-95, 2012
Linking crop yield anomalies to large-scale atmospheric circulation in Europe
A Ceglar, M Turco, A Toreti, FJ Doblas-Reyes
Agricultural and forest meteorology 240, 35-45, 2017
Trends in seasonal precipitation and temperature in Slovenia during 1951–2007
M De Luis, K Čufar, MA Saz, LA Longares, A Ceglar, L Kajfež-Bogataj
Regional environmental change 14, 1801-1810, 2014
Revealing the widespread potential of forests to increase low level cloud cover
G Duveiller, F Filipponi, A Ceglar, J Bojanowski, R Alkama, A Cescatti
Nature Communications 12 (1), 4337, 2021
Land-surface initialisation improves seasonal climate prediction skill for maize yield forecast
A Ceglar, A Toreti, C Prodhomme, M Zampieri, M Turco, FJ Doblas-Reyes
Scientific reports 8 (1), 1322, 2018
Early heat waves over Italy and their impacts on durum wheat yields
G Fontana, A Toreti, A Ceglar, G De Sanctis
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 15 (7), 1631-1637, 2015
Climate change impacts on EU agriculture: A regionalized perspective taking into account market-driven adjustments
M Blanco, F Ramos, B Van Doorslaer, P Martínez, D Fumagalli, A Ceglar, ...
Agricultural systems 156, 52-66, 2017
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Articles 1–20