Yves-Patrick Pellegrini
Yves-Patrick Pellegrini
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Fourier‐based schemes with modified Green operator for computing the electrical response of heterogeneous media with accurate local fields
F Willot, B Abdallah, YP Pellegrini
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 98 (7), 518-533, 2014
Roughening transition and percolation in random ballistic deposition
YP Pellegrini, R Jullien
Physical Review Letters 64 (15), 1745-1748, 1990
Infinite-contrast periodic composites with strongly nonlinear behavior: Effective-medium theory versus full-field simulations
MI Idiart, F Willot, YP Pellegrini, PP Castaneda
International Journal of Solids and Structures 46 (18-19), 3365-3382, 2009
Dynamic Peierls-Nabarro equations for elastically isotropic crystals
YP Pellegrini
Physical Review B 81 (2), 024101, 2010
X‐ray Microtomography Analysis of Dynamic Damage in Tantalum
J Bontaz‐Carion, YP Pellegrini
Advanced Engineering Materials 8 (6), 480-486, 2006
Fast fourier transform computations and build-up of plastic deformation in 2d, elastic-perfectly plastic, pixelwise disordered porous media
F Willot, YP Pellegrini
arXiv preprint arXiv:0802.2488, 2008
Mechanism for the α→ ε phase transition in iron
B Dupé, B Amadon, YP Pellegrini, C Denoual
Physical Review B 87 (2), 024103, 2013
Equation of motion for dislocations with inertial effects
L Pillon, C Denoual, YP Pellegrini
Physical Review B 76 (22), 224105, 2007
Equation of motion and subsonic-transonic transitions of rectilinear edge dislocations: A collective-variable approach
YP Pellegrini
Physical Review B 90 (5), 054120, 2014
Phase-field reaction-pathway kinetics of martensitic transformations in a model fe 3 ni alloy
C Denoual, AM Caucci, L Soulard, YP Pellegrini
Physical review letters 105 (3), 035703, 2010
Kinetic roughening phase transition in surface growth: Numerical study and mean-field approach
YP Pellegrini, R Jullien
Physical Review A 43 (2), 920, 1991
On probabilistic aspects in the dynamic degradation of ductile materials
H Trumel, F Hild, G Roy, YP Pellegrini, C Denoual
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 57 (12), 1980-1998, 2009
Self-consistent effective-medium approximation for strongly nonlinear media
YP Pellegrini
Physical Review B 64 (13), 134211, 2001
Computational 3-dimensional dislocation elastodynamics
Y Cui, G Po, YP Pellegrini, M Lazar, N Ghoniem
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 126, 20-51, 2019
Distributional and regularized radiation fields of non-uniformly moving straight dislocations, and elastodynamic Tamm problem
M Lazar, YP Pellegrini
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 96, 632-659, 2016
Effective-medium theory for infinite-contrast two-dimensionally periodic linear composites with strongly anisotropic matrix behavior: dilute limit and crossover behavior
F Willot, YP Pellegrini, MI Idiart, PP Castañeda
Physical review B 78 (10), 104111, 2008
Field distributions and effective-medium approximation for weakly nonlinear media
YP Pellegrini
Physical Review B 61 (14), 9365, 2000
Screw and edge dislocations with time-dependent core width: from dynamical core equations to an equation of motion
YP Pellegrini
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 60 (2), 227-249, 2012
Localization of elastic deformation in strongly anisotropic, porous, linear materials with periodic microstructures: Exact solutions and dilute expansions
F Willot, YP Pellegrini, PP Castañeda
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 56 (4), 1245-1268, 2008
Causal Stroh formalism for uniformly-moving dislocations in anisotropic media: Somigliana dislocations and Mach cones
YP Pellegrini
Wave Motion 68, 128-148, 2017
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Articles 1–20