Piotr Badziag
Piotr Badziag
Klara teoretiska gymnasium, Stockholm, Sweden
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Nanometre-sized diamonds are more stable than graphite
P Badziag, WS Verwoerd, WP Ellis, NR Greiner
Nature 343 (6255), 244-245, 1990
Local environment can enhance fidelity of quantum teleportation
P Badziag, M Horodecki, P Horodecki, R Horodecki
Physical Review A 62 (1), 012311, 2000
Universality of State-Independent Violation of Correlation Inequalities<? format?> for Noncontextual Theories
P Badziag, I Bengtsson, A Cabello, I Pitowsky
Physical review letters 103 (5), 050401, 2009
Experimental device-independent tests of classical and quantum dimensions
J Ahrens, P Badziag, A Cabello, M Bourennane
Nature Physics 8 (8), 592-595, 2012
Experimentally friendly geometrical criteria for entanglement
P Badziag, Č Brukner, W Laskowski, T Paterek, M Żukowski
Physical review letters 100 (14), 140403, 2008
Simple Hardy-like proof of quantum contextuality
A Cabello, P Badziag, M Terra Cunha, M Bourennane
Physical review letters 111 (18), 180404, 2013
Concurrence in arbitrary dimensions
P Badziag, P Deuar, M Horodecki, P Horodecki, R Horodecki
Journal of Modern Optics 49 (8), 1289-1297, 2002
MNDO analysis of the oxidised diamond (100) surface
P Badziag, WS Verwoerd
Surface science 183 (3), 469-483, 1987
Pentagrams and paradoxes
P Badziag, I Bengtsson, A Cabello, H Granström, JÅ Larsson
Foundations of Physics 41, 414-423, 2011
Experimental tests of classical and quantum dimensionality
J Ahrens, P Badziąg, M Pawłowski, M Żukowski, M Bourennane
Physical review letters 112 (14), 140401, 2014
Kochen-Specker set with seven contexts
P Lisoněk, P Badziag, JR Portillo, A Cabello
Physical Review A 89 (4), 042101, 2014
Locally accessible information: How much can the parties gain by cooperating?
P Badziag, M Horodecki, A Sen, U Sen
Physical Review Letters 91 (11), 117901, 2003
Prediction of the effect of the sample biasing in scanning tunneling microscopy and of surface defects on the observed character of the dimers in the Si (001)-(2× 1) surface
P Badziag, WS Verwoerd, MA Van Hove
Physical review B 43 (3), 2058, 1991
Energetics of the c (2× 2) reconstruction of the β-SiC (100) surface
P Badziag
Physical Review B 44 (20), 11143, 1991
Bell inequalities for the simplest exclusivity graph
M Sadiq, P Badziąg, M Bourennane, A Cabello
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (1), 012128, 2013
α-SiC (0001)√ 3×√ 3 surface, possible models for the reconstruction
P Badziag
Surface science 337 (1-2), 1-7, 1995
Self-testing properties of Gisin's elegant Bell inequality
O Andersson, P Badziąg, I Bengtsson, I Dumitru, A Cabello
Physical Review A 96 (3), 032119, 2017
Device-independent certification of two bits of randomness from one entangled bit and Gisin's elegant Bell inequality
O Andersson, P Badziąg, I Dumitru, A Cabello
Physical Review A 97 (1), 012314, 2018
Cluster calculations of the Si (111) 7× 7 dimer–adatom–stacking-fault structure
P Badziag, WS Verwoerd
Physical Review B 40 (2), 1023, 1989
Cluster study of the Si (111) 2× 1 reconstruction
P Badziag, WS Verwoerd
Surface science 201 (1-2), 87-96, 1988
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